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Passage 2
Paper money is used every day but people do not often think of money as just paper.This is?because people agree that it has value,and paper money is supported by the government.
People have used paper money for only a few hundred years,but what did people do before?printed money was invented?In Medieval England,a stick was the official representation of money.The common system that was used involved counting debt on a piece of wood called a"tally stick".The tally stick was marked with a knife.Each mark,or tally,indicated an amount of money.The?tally stick acted as a contract.
No one really knows who invented the tally stick,but King Henry I of England is credited as?the first to use the stick in a widespread fashion.In England,the tally stick was used from?1100-1826.Marks were made on a tally stick to represent the amount of service or goods that were?exchanged.The tally stick was cut in half lengthwise into two parts,and one stick was longer than?the other.The person giving services or goods received the longer end of the stick,called the"stock",and the person paying for the service or goods received the shorter end.Once the stick was?cut,it could not be altered.When put together,the two halves fit perfectly together.
Medieval England was not the only country to use the tally stick system.In 1960,Belgian?scientist Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt discovered an extremely old tally stick made of baboon?bone in Africa.At first,he determined the stick to be between about 8,000 to 10,000 years old.This?surprised many people because it proved that the tally stick system had been in use for much longer?than everyone had previously thought.Further research has shown that this stick is actually much?older:now,scientists believe it is 20,000 years old.
The tally stick system may no longer be in use today,but its influence is still apparent.People?still make contracts and people still borrow and lend money.People still trust that"things"--whether they are sticks,paper,or coins--have value.The next time paper money is used,just?remember:it is only paper!
Who was responsible for making the tally stick system so popular?
细节题。根据短文第三段第一句“…King Henry I of?England is credited as the first to use?the stick in a widespread fashion”可知答案为A。
请根据《我们的微电影》为课题 1.请写出一篇规范、完整的课时教学简案。2.恰当设定本科的教学目标、教学重点和难点。 3.合理地设计的学习活动和作业要求。4.至少设计三个课堂提问。
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案例 李老师为《美丽的蓝印花布》单元课教学准备中,创设的“情境”是: 江苏某地地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲冲积平原,气候温宜,山清水秀。在千百年的历史中,当地人民创造并发展了丰富多彩、名扬四方的民间工艺,蓝印花布便是其中最具代表性的民间工艺品之一。为此,当地准备进行一场“传统工艺发布会”以推介蓝印花布。根据上述情境、李老师设计了两个“问题”:蓝印花布是怎么做出来的?有哪些代表性的手工艺人? 问题: 请对李老师创设的“情境”和“问题”进行评价并给出改进意见。
①分析斗拱的形制演变、功能及其在中国木建筑中的作用。 ②分析说出斗拱的主要构件和组成部分。 ③能够组装斗拱,描述斗拱的艺术特色。
关于高中美术“绘画”模块教学,对学生学习评价的主要参考依据是( ) 。