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Passage 2
When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August,his explanation was?surprisingly straight up.Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses,he came right out?and said he was leaving"to pursue my goal of running a company,"Broadcasting his ambition was"very much my decision,"McGee says.Within two weeks,he was talking for the first time with the?board of Hartford Financial Services Group,which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.
McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of?company he wanted to run.It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations.And McGee isn′t alone.In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit?with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post.As boards-scrutinize succession plans in?response to shareholder pressure,executives who don′t get the nod also may wish to move on.A?turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements?cloud their reputations.
As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold,deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the?jump without a net.In the third quarter,CEO turnover was down 23%from a year ago as nervous?boards stuck with the leaders they had,according to Liberum Research.As the economy picks up,opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.
The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.For years?executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the?ones who must be poached.Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:"I can′t think of a single?search I′ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first."
Those who jumped without a job haven′t always landed in top positions quickly.Ellen Marram?quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age,saying she wanted to be a CEO.It was a year before she?became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in?2005 with ambitions to be a CEO.He finally took that post at a major financial institution three?years later.
Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers.The financial crisis has made?it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one."The traditional rule was it′s safer to?stay where you are,but that′s been fundamentally inverted,"says one headhunter."The people?who′ve been hurt the worst are those who′ve stayed too long."
According to Paragraph 2,senior executives′quitting may be spurred by__________.查看材料
细节题。根据第二段中的“In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American?Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post”可知。辞职的高层管理人员追求CEO的职位,D项说法正确。A项中的“financial status”在本段范围内未提及:B项中的“reflect on their private life”是对文中“reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run”的严重曲解;C项是根据第二段倒数第二句编造的选项,选项内容与原文不符且不能回答本题提问。
请根据《我们的微电影》为课题 1.请写出一篇规范、完整的课时教学简案。2.恰当设定本科的教学目标、教学重点和难点。 3.合理地设计的学习活动和作业要求。4.至少设计三个课堂提问。
案例 王老师在高一素描人物基本结构练习时,发现一位学生方法特殊。他不是按照王老师所要求的以写实性素描进行描绘,而是坚持表现自我主观感受,画面产生了“另类”效果、对此,王老师让该学生在全班同学面前阐述这样画的理由,并介绍自己的体会。 问题: 请对王老师在教学中的做法进行评价和分析。
案例 李老师为《美丽的蓝印花布》单元课教学准备中,创设的“情境”是: 江苏某地地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲冲积平原,气候温宜,山清水秀。在千百年的历史中,当地人民创造并发展了丰富多彩、名扬四方的民间工艺,蓝印花布便是其中最具代表性的民间工艺品之一。为此,当地准备进行一场“传统工艺发布会”以推介蓝印花布。根据上述情境、李老师设计了两个“问题”:蓝印花布是怎么做出来的?有哪些代表性的手工艺人? 问题: 请对李老师创设的“情境”和“问题”进行评价并给出改进意见。
①分析斗拱的形制演变、功能及其在中国木建筑中的作用。 ②分析说出斗拱的主要构件和组成部分。 ③能够组装斗拱,描述斗拱的艺术特色。
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