
哥白尼的“太阳中心说”并非真正科学,但他的巨大进步意义在于( )。

  • A.为近代科学奠定了基础
  • B.使自然科学从神学中解放出来
  • C.使人们认识到人类是地球的主人
  • D.确立了人类新的宇宙观
查看答案 纠错
答案: B


更新时间:2021-09-21 12:58





· teaching objectives

· teaching contents

· key and difficult points

·major steps and time allocation

· activities and justifications




Who′s Got Talent

Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented.

It′salways interesting to watch other people show their talents. Talent showsare getting more and more popular. First, there were shows like AmericanIdol and America′s Got Talent. Now, there are similar shows around theworld, such as China′s Got Talent.

All these shows have one thing in common:

"I"hey try to look for the best singers, the mosttalented dancers, the most exciting magicians,the funniest actors and so on. MI kinds ofpeople join these shows. But who can play thepiano the best or sing the most beautifully

"Ihat′s up to you to decide. When people watchthe show, they usually play a role in decidingthe winner. And the winner always gets a verygood prize.

However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. Some think thatthe lives of the performers are made up. For example, some people say theyare poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don′t takethese shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. And one great thing aboutthem is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.




T: Hi, Lily. What does your mother do

S: He ...

T: Oh, no. Not "he", your mother is a woman. You should use "she" instead of "he". OK

S: ... Er ... Mm ... (不知所措)

T: Go on! What′s your mother′s job

S: He is a ...









Passage 2

According to one account, the hamburger was first sold at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg,New York, in 1885, by brothers Frank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived onthe grounds of the fair too late to get a supply of chopped pork for their sandwich concession. Thebutcher sold them beef instead, and after some experimentationthey formulated a sandwich, which they named after theBuffalo, New York, suburb where they were doing business.

Hamburg′s claim to be the site of the first hamburger is,disputed by the town of Seymour, Wisconsin, where a mannamed Charles Nagreen is claimed to have served hamburgersandwiches in 1885.


Another story about the origins of the ubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800′s FletcherDavis, a potter in Athens, Texas, wasn′t selling enough pottery. Therefore he opened a lunchcounter. His specialty A ground-beef patty served between slices of home-made bread. In 1904Davis went to the World′ s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with his recipe, which was, of course, a big hit.

At the Fair the ground beef sandwich was deemed the hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though the patties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (Itis believed that 19th-century German sailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, "SteakTartare," in the Baltic Provinces. A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartaremixture.)

Fletcher Davis is also credited with serving fried potato strips at the World′s Fair. A friend inPads, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said "Paris, France," andthose potatoes are forevermore "French Fries."

Another contender in the "hamburger invention" contest is Louie′ s Lunch, a Yale off-campuseatery. This New Haven, Connecticut, site is said to have first offered the burger in 1895.

The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who also invented the modern grill (both events around 1916)and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.

Lionel Clark Sternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spot steakhouse in Los Angeles,experimentally tossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger he was cooking at his father′s short-ordershop in Pasadena, California, in 1924, thus originating the cheeseburger.

The word"cheeseburger" was patented by Louis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice ofcheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado, drive-in.

Well, you know the rest--McDonald′s, Burger King, Wendy′ s, White Castle, etc.—burgerseverywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A "classic."

Which of the following might be the best title for the passage

  • A.Burger Flavors
  • B.Burger Recipes
  • C.Burger Beginnings
  • D.Burger Ingredients

Passage 2

According to one account, the hamburger was first sold at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg,New York, in 1885, by brothers Frank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived onthe grounds of the fair too late to get a supply of chopped pork for their sandwich concession. Thebutcher sold them beef instead, and after some experimentationthey formulated a sandwich, which they named after theBuffalo, New York, suburb where they were doing business.

Hamburg′s claim to be the site of the first hamburger is,disputed by the town of Seymour, Wisconsin, where a mannamed Charles Nagreen is claimed to have served hamburgersandwiches in 1885.


Another story about the origins of the ubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800′s FletcherDavis, a potter in Athens, Texas, wasn′t selling enough pottery. Therefore he opened a lunchcounter. His specialty A ground-beef patty served between slices of home-made bread. In 1904Davis went to the World′ s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with his recipe, which was, of course, a big hit.

At the Fair the ground beef sandwich was deemed the hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though the patties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (Itis believed that 19th-century German sailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, "SteakTartare," in the Baltic Provinces. A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartaremixture.)

Fletcher Davis is also credited with serving fried potato strips at the World′s Fair. A friend inPads, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said "Paris, France," andthose potatoes are forevermore "French Fries."

Another contender in the "hamburger invention" contest is Louie′ s Lunch, a Yale off-campuseatery. This New Haven, Connecticut, site is said to have first offered the burger in 1895.

The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who also invented the modern grill (both events around 1916)and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.

Lionel Clark Sternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spot steakhouse in Los Angeles,experimentally tossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger he was cooking at his father′s short-ordershop in Pasadena, California, in 1924, thus originating the cheeseburger.

The word"cheeseburger" was patented by Louis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice ofcheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado, drive-in.

Well, you know the rest--McDonald′s, Burger King, Wendy′ s, White Castle, etc.—burgerseverywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A "classic."

Which of the following best describes the author′ s tone of writing this article

  • A.Factual
  • B.Critical
  • C.Humorous
  • D.Sarcastic

Passage 2

According to one account, the hamburger was first sold at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg,New York, in 1885, by brothers Frank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived onthe grounds of the fair too late to get a supply of chopped pork for their sandwich concession. Thebutcher sold them beef instead, and after some experimentationthey formulated a sandwich, which they named after theBuffalo, New York, suburb where they were doing business.

Hamburg′s claim to be the site of the first hamburger is,disputed by the town of Seymour, Wisconsin, where a mannamed Charles Nagreen is claimed to have served hamburgersandwiches in 1885.


Another story about the origins of the ubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800′s FletcherDavis, a potter in Athens, Texas, wasn′t selling enough pottery. Therefore he opened a lunchcounter. His specialty A ground-beef patty served between slices of home-made bread. In 1904Davis went to the World′ s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with his recipe, which was, of course, a big hit.

At the Fair the ground beef sandwich was deemed the hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though the patties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (Itis believed that 19th-century German sailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, "SteakTartare," in the Baltic Provinces. A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartaremixture.)

Fletcher Davis is also credited with serving fried potato strips at the World′s Fair. A friend inPads, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said "Paris, France," andthose potatoes are forevermore "French Fries."

Another contender in the "hamburger invention" contest is Louie′ s Lunch, a Yale off-campuseatery. This New Haven, Connecticut, site is said to have first offered the burger in 1895.

The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who also invented the modern grill (both events around 1916)and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.

Lionel Clark Sternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spot steakhouse in Los Angeles,experimentally tossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger he was cooking at his father′s short-ordershop in Pasadena, California, in 1924, thus originating the cheeseburger.

The word"cheeseburger" was patented by Louis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice ofcheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado, drive-in.

Well, you know the rest--McDonald′s, Burger King, Wendy′ s, White Castle, etc.—burgerseverywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A "classic."

How did Fletcher Davis make a living before starting to sell his "hamburgers"

  • A.He was a sailor in Germany
  • B.He sold fried potato strips
  • C.He opened a lunch counter
  • D.He sold pottery products

Passage 2

According to one account, the hamburger was first sold at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg,New York, in 1885, by brothers Frank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived onthe grounds of the fair too late to get a supply of chopped pork for their sandwich concession. Thebutcher sold them beef instead, and after some experimentationthey formulated a sandwich, which they named after theBuffalo, New York, suburb where they were doing business.

Hamburg′s claim to be the site of the first hamburger is,disputed by the town of Seymour, Wisconsin, where a mannamed Charles Nagreen is claimed to have served hamburgersandwiches in 1885.


Another story about the origins of the ubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800′s FletcherDavis, a potter in Athens, Texas, wasn′t selling enough pottery. Therefore he opened a lunchcounter. His specialty A ground-beef patty served between slices of home-made bread. In 1904Davis went to the World′ s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with his recipe, which was, of course, a big hit.

At the Fair the ground beef sandwich was deemed the hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though the patties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (Itis believed that 19th-century German sailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, "SteakTartare," in the Baltic Provinces. A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartaremixture.)

Fletcher Davis is also credited with serving fried potato strips at the World′s Fair. A friend inPads, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said "Paris, France," andthose potatoes are forevermore "French Fries."

Another contender in the "hamburger invention" contest is Louie′ s Lunch, a Yale off-campuseatery. This New Haven, Connecticut, site is said to have first offered the burger in 1895.

The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who also invented the modern grill (both events around 1916)and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.

Lionel Clark Sternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spot steakhouse in Los Angeles,experimentally tossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger he was cooking at his father′s short-ordershop in Pasadena, California, in 1924, thus originating the cheeseburger.

The word"cheeseburger" was patented by Louis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice ofcheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado, drive-in.

Well, you know the rest--McDonald′s, Burger King, Wendy′ s, White Castle, etc.—burgerseverywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A "classic."

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word"ubiquitous" inPARAGRAPH THREE

  • A.Deliciously made
  • B.Easily found
  • C.Commonly mentioned
  • D.Hotly disputed

Passage 2

According to one account, the hamburger was first sold at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg,New York, in 1885, by brothers Frank and Charles Menches. The two Ohio brothers had arrived onthe grounds of the fair too late to get a supply of chopped pork for their sandwich concession. Thebutcher sold them beef instead, and after some experimentationthey formulated a sandwich, which they named after theBuffalo, New York, suburb where they were doing business.

Hamburg′s claim to be the site of the first hamburger is,disputed by the town of Seymour, Wisconsin, where a mannamed Charles Nagreen is claimed to have served hamburgersandwiches in 1885.


Another story about the origins of the ubiquitous burger states that in the late 1800′s FletcherDavis, a potter in Athens, Texas, wasn′t selling enough pottery. Therefore he opened a lunchcounter. His specialty A ground-beef patty served between slices of home-made bread. In 1904Davis went to the World′ s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, with his recipe, which was, of course, a big hit.

At the Fair the ground beef sandwich was deemed the hamburger, because in Hamburg, Germany,ground beef patties were popular, though the patties there are more like meat loaf and lack a bun. (Itis believed that 19th-century German sailors learned about eating raw shredded beef, "SteakTartare," in the Baltic Provinces. A German cook eventually had the idea of cooking the Tartaremixture.)

Fletcher Davis is also credited with serving fried potato strips at the World′s Fair. A friend inPads, Texas, had given him the idea, but a reporter thought that Davis said "Paris, France," andthose potatoes are forevermore "French Fries."

Another contender in the "hamburger invention" contest is Louie′ s Lunch, a Yale off-campuseatery. This New Haven, Connecticut, site is said to have first offered the burger in 1895.

The commercial bun on which hamburgers are now served was created by diner operatorWalter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas, who also invented the modern grill (both events around 1916)and then established the chain of White Castle hamburger restaurants.

Lionel Clark Sternberger, later proprietor of the Rite Spot steakhouse in Los Angeles,experimentally tossed a slice of cheese on a hamburger he was cooking at his father′s short-ordershop in Pasadena, California, in 1924, thus originating the cheeseburger.

The word"cheeseburger" was patented by Louis Ballast in 1944. Ballast grilled a slice ofcheese onto burgers at his Denver, Colorado, drive-in.

Well, you know the rest--McDonald′s, Burger King, Wendy′ s, White Castle, etc.—burgerseverywhere. Some good, some so-so. But certainly an all-American favorite. A "classic."

What are hamburgers most likely to be named after

  • A.The recipe for making them
  • B.The person who invented them
  • C.The place where they were first sold
  • D.The restaurant where they are initially served

Passage 1

Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22kindergartners, a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for themorning. Even at 9 a.m., she is effervescent and charismatic.

Yet behind Asselin′s bright expression, her enthusiasm is fading.

Asselin,24, is days away from finishing her first year as a teacher, the career of her dreams since shewas a little girl giving arithmetic lessons on a dry-erase board to her stuffed bears and dolls.


While she began the school year in Virginia′s Fairfax County full of optimism, Asselin nowfinds herself, as many young teachers do, questioning her future as an educator. What changed in themonths between August and June She says that an onslaught of tests that she′s required to give toher five-and six-year-old students has brought her down to reality.

"It′ s more than a first-year teacher ever imagines," Asselin said."You definitely have a lot ofhighs and lows, and it keeps going up and down and up and down."

New federal data that the Education Department released in April shows that about 10 percent ofnew teachers leave the profession within the first year on the job, and 17 percent leave within five yearsof starting. Though far lower than earlier estimates, it still means that many young educators bail fromthe classroom before they gain much of a foothold. For Asselin, testing has been the biggest stressor.

The proliferation of testing in schools has become one of the most contentious topics in U.S.education. The exams can alter the course of a student′s schooling and can determine whether ateacher is promoted or fired. In Virginia, schools earn grades on state-issued report cards based onthe scores students earn on mandatory end-of-year exams.

The Fairfax County school system, one of the nation′s largest, boasts that its kindergartenstudents take part in coursework that exceeds the state′ s standards. Unlike most states, Virginia hasnever adopted the Common Core State Standards, but Virginia officials say that the state′ s academicstandards are just as--or more--rigorous.

Asselin said that means that even the youngest students in public school are trader an academicmicroscope, making kindergarten about far more than socialization and play time.

What is Asselin likely to do under the current educational system

  • A.Reconsider her future
  • B.Change her ways of teaching
  • C.Have fewer tests for her students
  • D.Emphasize her students' academic skills

Passage 1

Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22kindergartners, a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for themorning. Even at 9 a.m., she is effervescent and charismatic.

Yet behind Asselin′s bright expression, her enthusiasm is fading.

Asselin,24, is days away from finishing her first year as a teacher, the career of her dreams since shewas a little girl giving arithmetic lessons on a dry-erase board to her stuffed bears and dolls.


While she began the school year in Virginia′s Fairfax County full of optimism, Asselin nowfinds herself, as many young teachers do, questioning her future as an educator. What changed in themonths between August and June She says that an onslaught of tests that she′s required to give toher five-and six-year-old students has brought her down to reality.

"It′ s more than a first-year teacher ever imagines," Asselin said."You definitely have a lot ofhighs and lows, and it keeps going up and down and up and down."

New federal data that the Education Department released in April shows that about 10 percent ofnew teachers leave the profession within the first year on the job, and 17 percent leave within five yearsof starting. Though far lower than earlier estimates, it still means that many young educators bail fromthe classroom before they gain much of a foothold. For Asselin, testing has been the biggest stressor.

The proliferation of testing in schools has become one of the most contentious topics in U.S.education. The exams can alter the course of a student′s schooling and can determine whether ateacher is promoted or fired. In Virginia, schools earn grades on state-issued report cards based onthe scores students earn on mandatory end-of-year exams.

The Fairfax County school system, one of the nation′s largest, boasts that its kindergartenstudents take part in coursework that exceeds the state′ s standards. Unlike most states, Virginia hasnever adopted the Common Core State Standards, but Virginia officials say that the state′ s academicstandards are just as--or more--rigorous.

Asselin said that means that even the youngest students in public school are trader an academicmicroscope, making kindergarten about far more than socialization and play time.

According to the author, what kind of place is a kindergarten supposed to be

  • A.A place of academic training
  • B.A place of reading and writing
  • C.A place where there are no tests
  • D.A place of socialization and fun