
When the British singer got a bleeding throat, the rumor _________she would never sing again soon spread.

  • A.what
  • B.which
  • C.that
  • D.as
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答案: C

考查同位语从句。that引导的从句用来说明the rumot“流言”的内容,故选C。

更新时间:2021-09-19 19:26




●teaching objectives

●teaching contents

●key and difficult points

●major steps and time allocation

●activities and justifications







T:Could you play games on Internet every evening,boys and girls?

Ss:Sorry.I couldn’t.

T:On what day could you play them every week?

Ss:Only on Saturday and Sunday.

T:Oh!We could say you could play games twice a week.I could go visit my friends on Monday and Tuesday evenings.So we could say I could go visit my friends twice a week.What does TWICE here mean?

Ss:It means“两次”.

T:Great!Then you will be divided into groups,four in one group,to make sentences as many as possible by“Could you…every week?”and“twice a week”.After 5 minutes,I’ll invite one speaker out of each group to present in class.








It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has today.There will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical one.Starvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800.by Crookes in about 1900.It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizers.In the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals--by shaping our own biological environment.

Now I come back to the haunting theme of automation.The most common species in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple machine--the operator.By the year 2020,the repetitive tasks of industry will be taken over by the machines,as the heavy tasks were taken over long ago;and the mental tedium will go the way of physical exhaustion.Today we still distinguish,even among repetitive jobs,between the skilled and the unskilled;but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled.We simply waste our time if we oppose this change;it is as inevitable as the year 2020 itself.

If the predictions of the writer are realized,the demand for the unskilled workers in 21 st century will be__________.

  • A.very high
  • B.very low
  • C.the same as today
  • D.constantly rising

It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has today.There will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical one.Starvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800.by Crookes in about 1900.It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizers.In the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals--by shaping our own biological environment.

Now I come back to the haunting theme of automation.The most common species in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple machine--the operator.By the year 2020,the repetitive tasks of industry will be taken over by the machines,as the heavy tasks were taken over long ago;and the mental tedium will go the way of physical exhaustion.Today we still distinguish,even among repetitive jobs,between the skilled and the unskilled;but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled.We simply waste our time if we oppose this change;it is as inevitable as the year 2020 itself.

Repetitive tasks in industry lead to__________.

  • A.physical exhaustion
  • B.mental stimulation
  • C.mental exhaustion
  • D.extinction

It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has today.There will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical one.Starvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800.by Crookes in about 1900.It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizers.In the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals--by shaping our own biological environment.

Now I come back to the haunting theme of automation.The most common species in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple machine--the operator.By the year 2020,the repetitive tasks of industry will be taken over by the machines,as the heavy tasks were taken over long ago;and the mental tedium will go the way of physical exhaustion.Today we still distinguish,even among repetitive jobs,between the skilled and the unskilled;but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled.We simply waste our time if we oppose this change;it is as inevitable as the year 2020 itself.

According to the passage,starvation__________·

  • A.can be predicted
  • B.is unavoidable
  • C.can be prevented
  • D.is mainly caused by poor agriculture

It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has today.There will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical one.Starvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800.by Crookes in about 1900.It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizers.In the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals--by shaping our own biological environment.

Now I come back to the haunting theme of automation.The most common species in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple machine--the operator.By the year 2020,the repetitive tasks of industry will be taken over by the machines,as the heavy tasks were taken over long ago;and the mental tedium will go the way of physical exhaustion.Today we still distinguish,even among repetitive jobs,between the skilled and the unskilled;but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled.We simply waste our time if we oppose this change;it is as inevitable as the year 2020 itself.

Advances in biological knowledge__________.

  • A.kept pace with advances in physics
  • B.responsible for the invention of new machines
  • C.surpassed those in physics
  • D.lagged behind those in physics

It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has today.There will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical one.Starvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800.by Crookes in about 1900.It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizers.In the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals--by shaping our own biological environment.

Now I come back to the haunting theme of automation.The most common species in the factory today is the man who works or minds a simple machine--the operator.By the year 2020,the repetitive tasks of industry will be taken over by the machines,as the heavy tasks were taken over long ago;and the mental tedium will go the way of physical exhaustion.Today we still distinguish,even among repetitive jobs,between the skilled and the unskilled;but in the year 2020 all repetition will be unskilled.We simply waste our time if we oppose this change;it is as inevitable as the year 2020 itself.

The article was written to__________.

  • A.warn US of the impending starvation
  • B.present facts about life in the near future
  • C.oppose biological advances
  • D.warn of the evil side of automation

Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrants.In his reinterpretation,migration becomes the organizing principle for rewriting the history of preindustrial North America.His approach rests on four separate propositions.

The first of these asserts that residents of early modern England moved regularly about their countryside;migrating to the New World was simply a“natural spillover”.Although at first the colonies held little positive attraction for the English--They would rather have stayed home—by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America because they regarded it as the land of opportunity.

Secondly,Bailyn holds that,contrary to the notion that used to flourish in America history textbooks,there was never a typical New World community.For example,the economic and demographic character of early New England towns varied considerably.

Bailyn’s third proposition suggests two general patterns prevailing among the many thousands of migrants:one group came as indentured servants,another came to acquire land.Surprisingly,Bailyn suggests that those who recruited indentured servants were the driving forces of transatlantic migration.

These colonial entrepreneurs helped determine the social character of people who came to preindustrial North America.At first,thousands of unskilled laborers were recruited;by the 1730’s,however,American employers demanded skilled artisans.

Finally,Bailyn argues that the colonies were a half-civilized hinterland of the European culture system.He is undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were part of an Anglo—American empire.

But to divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery,as Bailyn does,devalues the achievements of colonial culture.It is true.as Bailyn claims that high culture in the colonies never matched that in England.But what of seventeenth—century New England,where the settlers created effective laws,built a distinguished university,and published books?Bailyn might respond that New England was exceptional. However,the ideas and institutions developed by New England Puritans had powerful effects on North American culture.

Although Bailyn goes on to apply his approach to some thousands of indentured servants who migrated just prior to the revolution,he fails to link their experience with the political development of the United States.Evidence presented in his work suggests how we might make such a connection.These indentured servants were treated as slaves for the period during which they had sold their time to American employers.It is not surprising that as soon as they served their time they passed up good wages in the cities and headed west to ensure their personal independence by acquiring land.Thus,it is in the west that a peculiarly American political culture began,among colonists who were suspicious of authority and intensely anti—aristocratic.

The author of the text would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about Bailyn’s work?

  • A.Bailyn underestimates the effects of Puritan thought on North American culture
  • B.Bailyn overemphasizes the economic dependence of the colonies on Great Britain
  • C.Bailyn’s description of the colonies as part of an Anglo-American empire is misleading and incorrect
  • D.Bailyn failed to test his propositions on a specific group of migrants to colonial North America

Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrants.In his reinterpretation,migration becomes the organizing principle for rewriting the history of preindustrial North America.His approach rests on four separate propositions.

The first of these asserts that residents of early modern England moved regularly about their countryside;migrating to the New World was simply a“natural spillover”.Although at first the colonies held little positive attraction for the English--They would rather have stayed home—by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America because they regarded it as the land of opportunity.

Secondly,Bailyn holds that,contrary to the notion that used to flourish in America history textbooks,there was never a typical New World community.For example,the economic and demographic character of early New England towns varied considerably.

Bailyn’s third proposition suggests two general patterns prevailing among the many thousands of migrants:one group came as indentured servants,another came to acquire land.Surprisingly,Bailyn suggests that those who recruited indentured servants were the driving forces of transatlantic migration.

These colonial entrepreneurs helped determine the social character of people who came to preindustrial North America.At first,thousands of unskilled laborers were recruited;by the 1730’s,however,American employers demanded skilled artisans.

Finally,Bailyn argues that the colonies were a half-civilized hinterland of the European culture system.He is undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were part of an Anglo—American empire.

But to divide the empire into English core and colonial periphery,as Bailyn does,devalues the achievements of colonial culture.It is true.as Bailyn claims that high culture in the colonies never matched that in England.But what of seventeenth—century New England,where the settlers created effective laws,built a distinguished university,and published books?Bailyn might respond that New England was exceptional. However,the ideas and institutions developed by New England Puritans had powerful effects on North American culture.

Although Bailyn goes on to apply his approach to some thousands of indentured servants who migrated just prior to the revolution,he fails to link their experience with the political development of the United States.Evidence presented in his work suggests how we might make such a connection.These indentured servants were treated as slaves for the period during which they had sold their time to American employers.It is not surprising that as soon as they served their time they passed up good wages in the cities and headed west to ensure their personal independence by acquiring land.Thus,it is in the west that a peculiarly American political culture began,among colonists who were suspicious of authority and intensely anti—aristocratic.

According to the text,Bailyn and the author agree on which of the following statements about the culture of colonial New England?

  • A.High culture in New England never equaled the high culture of England
  • B.The cultural achievements of colonial New England have generally been unrecognized by historians
  • C.The colonists imitated the high culture of England,and did not develop a culture that was uniquely their own
  • D.The southern colonies were greatly influenced by the high culture of New England