最小化配置服务是指在满足业务的前提下,尽量关闭不需要的服务和网络端口,以减少系统潜在的安全危害。以下实现 Linux 系统网络服务最小化的操作,正确的是( )。
参见《信息安全工程师5天修炼》的Linux安全增强部分。最小化配置服务是指在满足业务的前提下,尽量关闭不需要的服务和网络端口,以减少系统潜在的安全危害。实现 Linux 系统网络服务最小化的操作,方法有:●inetd.conf的文件权限设置为600;●inetd.conf的文件属主为root;●services的文件权限设置为644;●services的文件属主为root;●在inetd. conf中,注销不必要的服务,比如echo、finger、rsh、rlogin、tftp等。●只开放与系统业务运行有关的网络通信端口。
Corporate decision makers require access to information from multiple such sources. Seting up queries on individual sources is both cumbersome and( 71 ). Moreover, the sources of data may store only current data, whereas decision makers may need access to( 72 )dataas well. A data warehouse is a repository(or archive)of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema, at a( 73 )site. Once gathered, the data are stored for a long time, permitting access to historical data. Thus, data warehouses provide the user with a single consolidated( 74 )to data, making decision-support queries easier to write. Moreover, by accessing information for decision support from a data warehouse, the decision maker ensures that online transaction- processing systems are not( 75 )by the decision-supportworkdoad.
Corporate decision makers require access to information from multiple such sources. Seting up queries on individual sources is both cumbersome and( 71 ). Moreover, the sources of data may store only current data, whereas decision makers may need access to( 72 )dataas well. A data warehouse is a repository(or archive)of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema, at a( 73 )site. Once gathered, the data are stored for a long time, permitting access to historical data. Thus, data warehouses provide the user with a single consolidated( 74 )to data, making decision-support queries easier to write. Moreover, by accessing information for decision support from a data warehouse, the decision maker ensures that online transaction- processing systems are not( 75 )by the decision-supportworkdoad.
Corporate decision makers require access to information from multiple such sources. Seting up queries on individual sources is both cumbersome and( 71 ). Moreover, the sources of data may store only current data, whereas decision makers may need access to( 72 )dataas well. A data warehouse is a repository(or archive)of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema, at a( 73 )site. Once gathered, the data are stored for a long time, permitting access to historical data. Thus, data warehouses provide the user with a single consolidated( 74 )to data, making decision-support queries easier to write. Moreover, by accessing information for decision support from a data warehouse, the decision maker ensures that online transaction- processing systems are not( 75 )by the decision-supportworkdoad.
Corporate decision makers require access to information from multiple such sources. Seting up queries on individual sources is both cumbersome and( 71 ). Moreover, the sources of data may store only current data, whereas decision makers may need access to( 72 )dataas well. A data warehouse is a repository(or archive)of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema, at a( 73 )site. Once gathered, the data are stored for a long time, permitting access to historical data. Thus, data warehouses provide the user with a single consolidated( 74 )to data, making decision-support queries easier to write. Moreover, by accessing information for decision support from a data warehouse, the decision maker ensures that online transaction- processing systems are not( 75 )by the decision-supportworkdoad.
Corporate decision makers require access to information from multiple such sources. Seting up queries on individual sources is both cumbersome and( 71 ). Moreover, the sources of data may store only current data, whereas decision makers may need access to( 72 )dataas well. A data warehouse is a repository(or archive)of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema, at a( 73 )site. Once gathered, the data are stored for a long time, permitting access to historical data. Thus, data warehouses provide the user with a single consolidated( 74 )to data, making decision-support queries easier to write. Moreover, by accessing information for decision support from a data warehouse, the decision maker ensures that online transaction- processing systems are not( 75 )by the decision-supportworkdoad.
以下关于MapReduce技术的说法中,不正确的是( )。
相比于集中式数据库,分布式数据库具有( )的优点。
数据仓库是为了构建新的分析处理环境而出现的一种数据存储和组织技术,其特征不包括( )。
大数据的特性一般包括( )。
由于机房断电,某个使用检查点记录的数据库出现故障,该故障属于( )。