
Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from (作答此空)access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.unauthorizeD
  • B.authorizeD
  • C.normal
  • D.frequent
答案: A


更新时间:2022-04-30 01:54



Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like (作答此空),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.compression
  • B.encryption
  • C.decryption
  • D.translation

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should (作答此空)the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.address
  • B.define
  • C.ignore
  • D.pose

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational (作答此空)and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.behaviors
  • B.cultures
  • C.policies
  • D.structures

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the (作答此空)security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.logical
  • B.physical
  • C.network
  • D.Information

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from (作答此空)access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.unauthorizeD
  • B.authorizeD
  • C.normal
  • D.frequent

以下关于项目风险管理的说法中,不正确的是( )。

  • A.通过风险分析可以避免风险发生,保证项目总目标的顺利实现
  • B.通过风险分析可以增强项目成本管理的准确性和现实性
  • C.通过风险分析来识别、评估和评价需求变动,并计算其对盈亏的影响
  • D.风险管理就是在风险分析的基础上拟定出各种具体的风险应对措施

某分公司财务 PC 通过专网与总部财务系统连接,拓扑如图8所示。某天,财务PC访问总部财务系统速度缓慢、时断时好,网络管理员在财务PC端ping总部财务系统,发现有网络丢包,在光电转换器1处ping总部财务系统网络丢包症状同上,在专网接入终端处ping 总部财务系统,网络延时正常无丢包,光纤1两端测得光衰为-28dBm,光电转换器1和2指示灯绿色闪烁。 初步判断该故障原因可能是( ),可采用(作答此空)措施较为合理。


  • A.更换财务PC终端网卡
  • B.更换双绞线1
  • C.检查光纤1链路,排除故障,降低光衰
  • D.更换光电转换器1、2

某分公司财务 PC 通过专网与总部财务系统连接,拓扑如图8所示。某天,财务PC访问总部财务系统速度缓慢、时断时好,网络管理员在财务PC端ping总部财务系统,发现有网络丢包,在光电转换器1处ping总部财务系统网络丢包症状同上,在专网接入终端处ping 总部财务系统,网络延时正常无丢包,光纤1两端测得光衰为-28dBm,光电转换器1和2指示灯绿色闪烁。 初步判断该故障原因可能是(作答此空),可采用( )措施较为合理。


  • A.财PC终端网卡故障
  • B.双绞线1链路故障
  • C.光纤1链路故障
  • D.光电转换器1、2故障

某主机可以ping 通本机地址,而无法ping通网关地址,网络配置如图7所示,造成该故障的原因可能是( )。


  • A.该主机的地址是广播地址
  • B.默认网关地址不属于该主机所在的子网
  • C.该主机的地址是组播地址
  • D.默认网关地址是组播地址

下列命令片段用于配置( )功能。


  • A.环路检测
  • B.流量抑制
  • C.报文检查
  • D.端口镜像