
Which is the best title of the passage?

  • A.Habits of Camels
  • B.Marco Polo's Trip to China
  • C.Life in the Desert
  • D.Camels-Ships of the Desert
答案: D
本题解析: 暂无解析
更新时间:2022-04-28 15:31



Which is the best title of the passage?

  • A.Habits of Camels
  • B.Marco Polo's Trip to China
  • C.Life in the Desert
  • D.Camels-Ships of the Desert

What can we know about camels from the passage?

  • A. Camels can carry few pounds of supplies.
  • B. Camels store fat and water in their stomachs.
  • C.Camels can run fast on sand with large feet.
  • D. Camels have been used for transportation for hundreds of years.\

What can help camels deal with the desert life?

① They have a thick coat.     ② They only eat thorny plants.

③ They have short eyelashes.  ④ They have an extra eyelid.]

  • A.①③
  • B.②③
  • C. ②④
  • D. ①④

The underlined word "survive" in paragraph 3 means________.

  • A.live
  • B.start
  • C.sleep
  • D.leave


About 750 years ago, a man named Marco Polo went to China. He started in Europe and traveled more than 5, 000 miles. He crossed some large deserts. The journey took almost three years. There were no planes or trains then. So how did Polo make the trip? He rode a camel.                                                                               

Like horses, camels can work as pack animals. They can carry many pounds of cargo (货物), such as food and supplies. That is very helpful for a long trip. They act as "ships of the desert".                       

Camels do well in the desert. They can go for several days without water. They can survive a long time without food, too.                 

There are two kinds of camels. One kind has one hump. The other has two. These humps store fat. If needed, the fat turns into water.                          

Camels have other special ways to deal with desert life. They have a thick coat. This keeps them warm at night and cool in the day. They have long eyelashes and an extra eyelid. These help protect their eyes. Camels also have thick lips. They can eat all kinds of plants, even thorny ones.

They are not picky about food. That is good because few plants grow in deserts. They also have very large feet. These help camels walk on sand. Camels can run on sand, too. They can go about 25 miles per hour. That's about as fast as a racing bicycle.

Camels have carried people and things for thousands of years. Today they play other roles in the modern world, too. 


According to the passage, how did Marco Polo make his trip to China?

  • A.By horse.
  • B.By camel.
  • C.On foot
  • D.A.By ship.

All the three buildings were made famous by great ancient works.


The Yueyang Tower is a wooden building in Hubei Province.


You can enjoy beautiful city views from the Tengwang Pavilion and the Yellow Crane Tower. 


You can read poems of different times when you visit the Yellow Crane Tower.




There are three famous towers to the south of the Yangtze River—the Tengwang Pavilion the Yellow Crane Tower and the Yueyang Tower.

The Tengwang Pavilion is in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. A Tribute to the Tengwang Pavilion (《滕王阁序》) written by Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty made the pavilion well-known at that time. On the fifth floor, you can have an amazing bird view of the city. The best time to visit the pavilion falls in March to May and September to early November.

The Yellow Crane Tower sits in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. You can read some poems written in different dynasties on the third floor, which won fame for the tower. Its cultural importance made it the symbol of Wuhan. On the top of the tower, you will enjoy a beautiful view of the Yangtze River, its bridge and the buildings around the tower in Wuhan.

The Yueyang Tower lies in Yueyang City, Hunan Province. It's a 19-meter-high building which is made of wood. From the top, you will see the white sails of passing boats under the blue sky. The tower was made very famous by the works of Fan Zhongyan who was a great politician and writer during the Northern Song Dynasty.

July is the best time to visit the Tengwang Pavilion.
