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 On May 22,2021, the whole nation was saddened by the news that Chinese scientist Yuan longping died.

    Dr Yuan Longping worked most of his life growing better rice. As a result of his research, the Chinese people are no longer worried about getting starved. His great work also helped the world produce more and more rice.

    Yuan, born on Sept. 7,1930. After graduating(毕业.) from Southwest Agriculture College, he worked as a teacher at an agriculture school in Hunan.

    Several natural disasters(天灾)hit China in the 1960s. Yuan, many people die of hunger every day. Since then, he has researched how to grow much better crops.

    In 1964 , he happened to find a natural hybrid rice(杂交水稻)plant that had great advantages over others. Yuan was excited about his discovery. He then began to study the parts of this unusual plant.

    In 1973,he started to develop a type, of hybrid rice species(种类). It produced 20% more rice per unit than common ones. The seeding(种植), very successful in the following year. This progress made China the world's leader in rice production.

    More than 50% of China's total rice fields grow Yuan's hybrid species. People call hire the "Father of Hybrid Nice".

    Yuan once said he lead two dreams一to "enjoy the cool under the rice crops taller than men"

and that hybrid rice could he grown all over the world to help solve the food problem of the whole world.

What does the underlined word "starved" in paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

  • A.挨饿
  • B.受冻
  • C.致贫
答案: A
本题解析: 暂无解析
更新时间:2022-04-26 17:33



 On May 22,2021, the whole nation was saddened by the news that Chinese scientist Yuan longping died.

    Dr Yuan Longping worked most of his life growing better rice. As a result of his research, the Chinese people are no longer worried about getting starved. His great work also helped the world produce more and more rice.

    Yuan, born on Sept. 7,1930. After graduating(毕业.) from Southwest Agriculture College, he worked as a teacher at an agriculture school in Hunan.

    Several natural disasters(天灾)hit China in the 1960s. Yuan, many people die of hunger every day. Since then, he has researched how to grow much better crops.

    In 1964 , he happened to find a natural hybrid rice(杂交水稻)plant that had great advantages over others. Yuan was excited about his discovery. He then began to study the parts of this unusual plant.

    In 1973,he started to develop a type, of hybrid rice species(种类). It produced 20% more rice per unit than common ones. The seeding(种植), very successful in the following year. This progress made China the world's leader in rice production.

    More than 50% of China's total rice fields grow Yuan's hybrid species. People call hire the "Father of Hybrid Nice".

    Yuan once said he lead two dreams一to "enjoy the cool under the rice crops taller than men"

and that hybrid rice could he grown all over the world to help solve the food problem of the whole world.

What does the underlined word "starved" in paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

  • A.挨饿
  • B.受冻
  • C.致贫

Where will the activities take place?

  • A.Tee an art club.
  • B. Tee a library.
  • C.Tee a computer store.

What do the four activities have in common?

  • A.They are in August.
  • B.They require bookings.
  • C.They are for adults.






  • A.①②
  • B.①③
  • C.②④
  • D.③④

What is the time for the creative club?

  • A.1: 30 pm to 3: 00 pm.
  • B.10: 30 am to 12: 00 pm.
  • C.4.30 pm to 5: 30 pm.

What should you do if you want to learn how to code?

  • A.Have basic computer skills
  • B.Buy a coding book.
  • C.Book your place.


  • A.综合国力进入世界前列       
  • B.全面建成社会主义强国
  • C.国际地位居于世界首位       
  • D.实现中华民族伟大复兴

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的儿个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Indooroopilly Library

Indooroopilly Shopping Center, Level4, 322 MoggillRoad, Indooroopilly, QLD, 406807 3407 0009

English Conversation Group

Our friendly group meets at the library every 'Thursday afternoon. Come along to make new friends and improve your English. Learners of all levels are welcome.

Age: All adults(成年人)

Bookings: Not required.

Time & date: Thursday Aug l

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Young Creative Club

Do you love to write or express(表达) yourself through art? Come and join our creative club, share your ideas and make friends with people who are like you.

Age: 11-15 year olds

Bookings: Required. Call 073407 0009 to book your place.

Time & date:  Thursday Aug 1

4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Learn to Code(编程)

Learn how to create a game or design(设计)a webpage using free online resources(资源)that teach you how to code. It allows time to experiment and play. It is designed for adults with basic computer and Internet skills.

Age: Young adults

Bookings: Not required.

Time & date: Wednesday Aug 28
10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Gumtree Basics

Come and learn about buying and selling products safely online through Cumtree Basic computer and Internet skills are required.

Age: All adults

Bookings: Required. Call 07 3407 0009 to book your place.

Time & date: Tuesday Aug 13

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

What do we know about the English Conversation Group?

  • A.It is for children.
  • B.It is a weekly activity.
  • C.It is for high-level students


  • A. something
  • B.everything
  • C.nothing
  • D.anything


  • A.Relaxed
  • B.Excited
  • C.Surprised
  • D.Interested