
Once upon a time, a man spread rumors (谣言)that his, neighbour was a thief. As a result, the police caught the neighbour and  43  him to the police station fur questioning. But in the end, the young man was found to be innocent(无辜的). He decided, however, to sue(起诉)the man for spreading false rumors.

    In court(法庭), the man said to the judge(法官): "They were just stories. It was just for fun

and my neighbour was not a  44 . " The judge said to the man: "Write, all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Then cut the paper into many small pieces and, on your way home,   _45  the pieces away on the mad. I then want you  46  here in court tomorrow to hear my verdict(裁决). "

    Next day in court, the judge said to the man: " 47  I give my verdict, I want you to leave the court and, and pick up all the  48  of paper you threw away yesterday. "  49 , the man said: "I can't do that. The wind has blown the pieces all over the place. I'll never find them! "

    "Great, " said the judge. "Your mean rumors have spread and harmed the good reputation(名誉)of your neighbour. You may never be able to fig it. If you cannot speak well of someone, don't

say  50  at all! "


  • A.carried
  • B.invited
  • C.welcomed
  • D.took
答案: D
本题解析: 暂无解析
更新时间:2022-04-26 17:25



Once upon a time, a man spread rumors (谣言)that his, neighbour was a thief. As a result, the police caught the neighbour and  43  him to the police station fur questioning. But in the end, the young man was found to be innocent(无辜的). He decided, however, to sue(起诉)the man for spreading false rumors.

    In court(法庭), the man said to the judge(法官): "They were just stories. It was just for fun

and my neighbour was not a  44 . " The judge said to the man: "Write, all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Then cut the paper into many small pieces and, on your way home,   _45  the pieces away on the mad. I then want you  46  here in court tomorrow to hear my verdict(裁决). "

    Next day in court, the judge said to the man: " 47  I give my verdict, I want you to leave the court and, and pick up all the  48  of paper you threw away yesterday. "  49 , the man said: "I can't do that. The wind has blown the pieces all over the place. I'll never find them! "

    "Great, " said the judge. "Your mean rumors have spread and harmed the good reputation(名誉)of your neighbour. You may never be able to fig it. If you cannot speak well of someone, don't

say  50  at all! "


  • A.carried
  • B.invited
  • C.welcomed
  • D.took


  • A.reason
  • B.excuse
  • C.method


  • A.never
  • B.often
  • C.sometimes


  • A.play
  • B. rest
  • C.work


  • A.usual
  • B.clean
  • C.different


  • A.and
  • B.or
  • C.but


  • A. long
  • B.longer
  • C. longest

阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36一50各题所给的三个或四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项徐黑。


    Every day in newspapers and magazines there are articles telling . we should exercise more.

And scientists now say that  36  is one of the best way, to keep fit. It can make you feel better and look better. Some say it can even make you live  37 .

    All you need for naming, some comfortable clothes and a pair of sports shoes. You don't need to buy special clothes   38  you should get a good pair of sports shoes. And remember一you should always buy shoes for running one size larger than your  39  shoes.

    Some people find running boring, so, cycling or swimming instead once in a while. Also, you

shouldn't exercise every day. It's very important to  40  two or three times a week. You should

eat well and drink lots of water but you can still have nice things like chocolate  41 . Do some leg

exercises every week as well, because this makes you stronger and helps you run better.

    If you're a beginner, there are lots of ways to make exercise fun. You can join a club or you can exercise with a friend. Another idea is to run in a race. This can give you a(n) 42  to train and keep you interested in running.

  • A.running
  • B.swimming
  • C.cycling

Did you notice __________________- in his office?

    一Yes, he was going over our homework.

  • A. how Mr. Li was doing
  • B.what is Mr. Li doing
  • C.what Mr. Li was doing

一There _________________ a basketball game against Class Two this Sunday.

— I see. I will come and cheer you on.

  • A. will have
  • B. is going to be
  • C. is going to have