当前位置:首页学历类中考英语->Listen! Mr. Black________a tal

Listen! Mr. Black________a talk on robots in the hall. 

  • A.gives
  • B.is giving
  • C.will gave
  • D.gave 
答案: B
本题解析: 暂无解析
更新时间:2022-04-15 16:49



Listen! Mr. Black________a talk on robots in the hall. 

  • A.gives
  • B.is giving
  • C.will gave
  • D.gave 

Miss Li, a humorous teacher, taught __________ maths last term.

  • A.us
  • B.our
  • C.ours
  • D.ourselves

-Excuse me, is there a computer room in your school? 

-Yes.It’s.  the fifth  floor. 

  • A.on
  • B.in
  • C.at
  • D.to

Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others?

  • A.dog
  • B.pollute
  • C. knock
  • D.strong

—Shall we play ____________ basketball this afternoon?

— Good idea! Do you have ____________ basketball?

  • A. the; a
  • B.a ; a
  • C. / ; /
  • D./ ; a


孔子学院(Confucius Institute)夏令营在汉招募志者假如你是李华请用英文写自荐信。












参考词汇: Chu opera楚剧 culture文化 ping-pang乒乓球

Dear sir/,

I am Li Hua from Wuhan. May have the honor to work as volunteer at Confucius Institute?



Yours truly

Li Hua




Susan is the daughter of the famous environmental scientist Clark. But the woman has become an environmentalist on her o __________(1).

In 1992, the first UN Earth Summit(峰会) was held in Rio de Janeiro. Thousands of people from around the world h __________(2) for it to talk about the Earth  s tomorrow. Twelve-year-old Susan and three of her friends formed a group. They raised money to travel to Rio to a __________(3) the summit.

At the summit, Susan said that the state of the environment w __________(4) her a lot. "You don t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer (臭氧层). You don t know how to bring back forests that once g __________(5) where there is now desert. If you don t know how to fix the Earth, please stop b __________(6) it!” The six-minute speech silenced all the people and made them fall into deep thinking.

After that speech, Susan began to lead “two lives.” On the t __________(7) days, she was a schoolchild. But during her vacations, she s __________(8) internationally about the environment.

Now, nearly 30 years has passed since Susan made her Rio speech. Although many of the world s environmental problems have only become w __________(9), Susan does agree that some things are different now. More and more people give voice like Susan because they have realized the importance of the environment

"Thirty years ago, I was fighting for my tomorrow. Now, I am fighting for the f __________(10) of my sons," says Susan, now a mother of two, who has kept calling people s attention to climate change.




1. It will bring danger to all ocean life if sharks  numbers ______________ too low.

2. We shouldn t forget where we came from as we ______________ on our new journey.

3. Tom went to basketball practice with ______________ rather than fear in his heart the next day.

4. They ______________ in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.

5. John is ______________ and only thinks about himself and doesn’t treat others nicely.


Hua Chenyu is very popular among teenagers.He is also_______favorite singer. 

  • A.I
  • B.me
  • C.my
  • D.mine


Think of somebody you really admire. You will probably find that their success didn t come easily. As “Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)”, Yuan Longping got over great difficulties and spent his whole life working to reduce world hunger and helping to feed the country with the largest population.

Wu Mengchao, the “Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery(肝胆外科)", focused on saving people’s lives for nearly eighty years. He performed more than 16,000 operations during his life. Holding the surgeon  s knife for such a long time deformed his fingers. Wu once said, "It would my greatest happiness if I could work at the operating table until my dying day.”

In1969, in order to solve the problem of treating malaria(疟疾), Tu Youyou, pharmacologist (药学家) took on the job as head of a research team. She and her teammates performed different kinds of experiments. However, the results were disappointing. Instead of giving up, they kept trying. Finally, in1972, they made it! In2015, at the age of 85, she received Nobel Prize.

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb believed that every failure was a step towards success. He once said, "If I find 10,000 ways something won t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong try is another step forward.

Sometimes, their success was a surprise, even to themselves. The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said, "When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September, 1928, I certainly didn t plan to revolutionize(变革) all medicine by discovering the world s  first antibiotic(抗生素). But I guess that was exactly what I did.

Some people only became successful after their deaths. Not like Pablo Picasso who became famous and very rich during his lifetime, the artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting all through his life and that was to a friend. But he kept painting and he painted more than 2,000 artworks in the following ten years. Now his paintings are very popular and they sell for millions of pounds.

One thing all these people have in common is sticking to their goals no matter what.

1. What do Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao have in common?

A. They succeeded in solving world problems

B. They spent all their lives serving people.

C. They achieved a lot in the medical field.

D. They are remembered for their happiness.

2. The underlined phrase deformed his fingers could be replaced by _________.

A. changed the shape of his fingers 

B. made him feel down

C. gave him too much pressure 

D. got his fingers cut off

3. It is clear that _________.

A. Pablo Picasso became famous after his death

B. Vincent Van Gogh painted 2,001 artworks in his life

C. it took Tu Youyou s team about 3 years to reach their goal

D. Thomas Edison tried 10.000 ways before he invented the light bulb

4. When Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, he _________.

A. felt too tired to stay awake 

B. didn t plan to study all medicine

C. knew exactly what his success meant 

D. didn t fully realize its importance

5. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

A. Not everyone can be successful 

B. The more difficulties, the better.

C. Great achievements aren’t made naturally. 

D. Great hopes make great men.
