
On April Fool’s Day,people enjoy playing tricks _________ their friends.

  • A.for
  • B.of
  • C.in
  • D.on
答案: D

此题考查时间介词的用法。Play tricks on sb.意为捉弄某人,跟某人玩笑。

更新时间:2022-04-14 15:01



On April Fool’s Day,people enjoy playing tricks _________ their friends.

  • A.for
  • B.of
  • C.in
  • D.on

The policeman was surprised            the news.

  • A.into
  • B.for
  • C.at
  • D.out of

E-tickets will be used for high-speed trains ________ the country in 2019. Passengers can enter the station by simply using their ID card.

  • A.beside
  • B.before
  • C.across
  • D.for

The man tried several times to start the car and he succeeded        .

  • A.in the past
  • B.in the end
  • C.at first
  • D.at once

Please wake me up _________ 5 o'clock. I have to catch the early train.

  • A.at
  • B.in
  • C.on
  • D. for

In America, Father’s Day is ________ the third Sunday of June.

  • A.in
  • B.of
  • C.at
  • D.on

—I think it’s polite _________ the young to offer seats to the old.

—Yeah, and it's necessary _______ us to do so.

  • A.of; for
  • B.of; of
  • C.for; of
  • D.for; for



假如你是华,你校英语社团正在开展线上国际交流活动,其公众号计划做关于北京文化的系列推送,现就 “Cultural Symbols of Beijing(北京文化标志)”这一话题在校内收集素材。请你用英语给公众号留言,推荐一个你眼中的北京文化标志,对其作简要介绍,并说明推荐理由。

提示词语:show, traditional, love, treasure, important

提示问题:In your opinion, what’s the cultural symbol of Beijing?

Please describe it.

Why do you think it can be a symbol?

I'm Li Hua, from Class I, Grade 9. _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

I hope my idea can be taken.  Thanks!



提示词语:help, enjoy, new, challenge, take action

提示问题:·What is the change that happened in your life?

·How did you deal with it?

·What have you learned from the experience?

There are many changes in a person’s life. __________________________________________________




Screen-Free Days

I remember the first time I suggested screen-free days in our school to some of our student leaders.  Jokingly, I said to the group, “What do you think if we go a week without using our laptops or smartphones?”

They laughed, and one of them said, “No way, Mr.  White.  They would be too much.” I could feel their worry, and told them that I was only considering single screen-free days.  Even that idea left them feeling upset.

According to a survey we did, most student in our school spend about six hours a day on screens.  Many of my students start their day by checking their smartphones.  I often see them looking at their phones when getting off the bus or at parents drop-off-they can’t use their own “screens” at school.  They usually work on computers at school for at least two hours during the day.

It’s clear that our students spend a lot of time on screens, We do see the benefits of technology.  However, we teachers also want to make sure that students have balanced learning and social experiences away from their screens.  That’s why we have come up with the idea of screen-free days.

During the course of the year, we have built in several screen-free days that require us to make different plans for our students about how they will communicate with one another and the world around them without “screens”.  For some teachers, this means bringing back a valuable lesson plan that has been put off for some time because it is “out of date.  Others have designed something completely new.

Fun activities, for example, card games and room escape(密室逃脱) games, are organized at school.  In these activities, students socialize without smartphones and have face-to-face communication without checking on “likes” they've got online.  These fun activities also make it possible for the whole grade to enjoy the company of their friends with no smartphones.

After our first screen-free day, students mentioned that they were surprised they enjoyed it.  Finding ways to help our students connect with one another is important.

While technology is already part of our world, it shouldn’t play such an important role in a learner's life.

1. How many hours do most students in the school spend on screens every day?

2. Why have the teachers come up with the idea of screen-free days?

3. What fun activities can the students have at school?

4. How did the students feel after the first screen-free day?

5. What do you think of the idea of screen-free days? Why do you think so?



Nature and culture are often seen as opposite ideas.  What belongs to nature cannot be the result of human activities and.  on the other hand, cultural development is achieved against nature.  However.  this is not the only opinion on the relationship between nature and culture.  Studies in the development of humans suggest that culture, whether taken as an effort against nature or a natural effort, is part of the development of the human species(物种).

Several modern writers saw the process of education as a struggle(斗争) against human nature.  We are born with wild natures.  such as eating and behaving in a disorganized way or acting selfishly.  Education uses culture as a way to get us out of our widest natures;it is thanks to culture that the human species could learn to adapt(适应) , progress and raise itself above and beyond other species.

Over the past century and a half, however, studies in the history of human development have shown that the formation of culture is part of the biological adaptation.  Consider, for example, hunting(打猎) . It seems to be an adaptation, which allowed humans to move into new and different areas, opening up the opportunity to change living habits.  At the same time, the development of weapons(武器) is related to that adaptation—from rocks and stones to a set of hunting tools, and from hunting tools to rules relating to the proper use of weapons.  Hunting also seems to be responsible for a whole set of bodily abilities, such as balancing on one foot.  Just think of how this very simple thing is closely related to dance, a key expression of human culture.  It is then clear that biological development and cultural development are closely tied.

The transmission of culture seems to be directly related to what’s in our blood.  Just as snails carry their shell, so do we bring along our culture.  However, culture is also passed on among people of the same times or among people belonging to different populations.  We can learn how to make jiaozi even if we were born from Russian parents in Paris just as we can learn how to speak English even if none of our family or friends speaks that language.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. Culture belongs to human nature.

B. Nature teaches humans how to adapt.

C. Humans are supposed to be well organized.

D.  Education pushes the human species to progress.

2. Why does the writer talk about hunting in Paragraph 3?

A.  To suggest some possible ways of changing living habits.

B.  To stress the importance of tools in humans’ struggle for life.

C.  To show how culture develops as humans adapt to the environment.

D.  To explain why there is a need to call for the proper use of weapons.

3.  The word “transmission” in Paragraph 4 probably means “____________”.

A.  system                        B.  spread                        C.  start                                    D.  spirit

4.  What is the writer’s opinion on the nature-culture relationship?

A.  Culture and nature are separate yet balanced.

B.  Culture depends much on nature to progress.

C.  Nature and culture are different but connected.

D.  Nature follows the unwritten rules set by culture.
