


发布时间: 2021-12-24 14:40



1 单选题 1分

Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch’s daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions”Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only“sorting mechanism”in society should be profit and the market.But“it’s us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit”.Driving her point home,she continued:“It’s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose,of a moral language within government,media or business could become one of the most dangerous foals for capitalism and freedom.”This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International,shield thought,making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.As the hacking trial concludes–finding guilty ones-editor of the News of the World,Andy Coulson,for conspiring to hack phones,and finding his predecessor,Rebekah Brooks,innocent of the same charge–the winder issue of dearth of integrity still standstill,Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people.This is hacking on an industrial scale,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire,the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.Others await trial.This long story still unfolds.In many respects,the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom,wow little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired wow the stories arrived.The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.In today’s world,title has become normal that well—paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run perhaps we should not be so surprised.For a generation,the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit.The words that have mattered are efficiency,flexibility,shareholder value,business–friendly,wealth generation,sales,impact and,in newspapers,circulation.Words degraded to the margin have been justice fairness,tolerance,proportionality and accountability.The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact.Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories,but she asked no questions,gave no instructions—nor received traceable,recorded answers.

The author holds that the current collective doctrine shows

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推理判断通过题干中的“collective doctrine”可以直接定位到文中第五段第三行。该句指出“collective doctrine”主张社会的分类机制应该是利益。接下来对此概念进行了进一步的阐释,指出真正起作用的是那些表示利益的词“efficiency,flexibility,shareholder value,business-friendly,wealth generation…”,而表示公平、正义的词(justice,fairness,tolerance…)则被置于边缘。可见,

2 单选题 1分

Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch’s daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions”Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only“sorting mechanism”in society should be profit and the market.But“it’s us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit”.Driving her point home,she continued:“It’s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose,of a moral language within government,media or business could become one of the most dangerous foals for capitalism and freedom.”This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International,shield thought,making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.As the hacking trial concludes–finding guilty ones-editor of the News of the World,Andy Coulson,for conspiring to hack phones,and finding his predecessor,Rebekah Brooks,innocent of the same charge–the winder issue of dearth of integrity still standstill,Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people.This is hacking on an industrial scale,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire,the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.Others await trial.This long story still unfolds.In many respects,the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom,wow little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired wow the stories arrived.The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.In today’s world,title has become normal that well—paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run perhaps we should not be so surprised.For a generation,the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit.The words that have mattered are efficiency,flexibility,shareholder value,business–friendly,wealth generation,sales,impact and,in newspapers,circulation.Words degraded to the margin have been justice fairness,tolerance,proportionality and accountability.The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact.Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories,but she asked no questions,gave no instructions—nor received traceable,recorded answers.

The author believes the Rebekah Books’s deference

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观点例证根据题干中的“defence”可以回文定位到文章第四段最后一句话。该句指出Ms.Brooks辩护成功的关键在于她对这个事件一无所知(she knew nothing)。而作者在该段第一句话中指出,诚信缺失不仅体现在普遍存在的手机黑客这一事实上,更体现在一些审判案件所使用的条款上,其中最震惊的就是对Ms.Brooks的审判。可见,作者对该案的审判持否定态度,认为该审判是诚信缺失的一个体现。因此,认为她的辩护是不可信的。故正确答案为C。选项A是对Ms.Brooks的个人评价,而作

3 单选题 1分

Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch’s daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions”Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only“sorting mechanism”in society should be profit and the market.But“it’s us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit”.

Driving her point home,she continued:“It’s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose,of a moral language within government,media or business could become one of the most dangerous foals for capitalism and freedom.”This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International,shield thought,making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.

As the hacking trial concludes–finding guilty ones-editor of the News of the World,Andy Coulson,for conspiring to hack phones,and finding his predecessor,Rebekah Brooks,innocent of the same charge–the winder issue of dearth of integrity still standstill,Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people.This is hacking on an industrial scale,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire,the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.Others await trial.This long story still unfolds.

In many respects,the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom,wow little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired wow the stories arrived.The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.

In today’s world,title has become normal that well—paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run perhaps we should not be so surprised.For a generation,the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit.The words that have mattered are efficiency,flexibility,shareholder value,business–friendly,wealth generation,sales,impact and,in newspapers,circulation.Words degraded to the margin have been justice fairness,tolerance,proportionality and accountability.

The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact.Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories,but she asked no questions,gave no instructions—nor received traceable,recorded answers.

Which of the following is suggested in the last paragraph?

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推理判断作者在最后一段前两句话指出,新闻报道的目的不是为了促进读者的理解,也不是为了追求公平或者违背人类共有的人性,而是通过追求发行量的影响率来破坏人们的生活。即文章从一开始指出的一个问题,为了追求利益而造成了诚信的丧失。从“ruin”一词可以看出,作者对新闻记者的这一行为持否定的态度。并且通过Ms.Brooks女士的行为加以佐证。作者通过正话反说的方式,突出新闻报道过程中诚信的重要性。故正确答案为选项C moral awareness matters in editing a newspap

4 单选题 1分

Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch’s daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions”Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only“sorting mechanism”in society should be profit and the market.But“it’s us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit”.

Driving her point home,she continued:“It’s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose,of a moral language within government,media or business could become one of the most dangerous foals for capitalism and freedom.”This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International,shield thought,making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.

As the hacking trial concludes–finding guilty ones-editor of the News of the World,Andy Coulson,for conspiring to hack phones,and finding his predecessor,Rebekah Brooks,innocent of the same charge–the winder issue of dearth of integrity still standstill,Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people.This is hacking on an industrial scale,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire,the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.Others await trial.This long story still unfolds.

In many respects,the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom,wow little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired wow the stories arrived.The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.

In today’s world,title has become normal that well—paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run perhaps we should not be so surprised.For a generation,the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit.The words that have mattered are efficiency,flexibility,shareholder value,business–friendly,wealth generation,sales,impact and,in newspapers,circulation.Words degraded to the margin have been justice fairness,tolerance,proportionality and accountability.

The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact.Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories,but she asked no questions,gave no instructions—nor received traceable,recorded answers.

It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that

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推理判断第三段第一句指出,Andy Coulson因为参与手机黑客案件被裁定有罪,然而他的前任却被认定是无罪的。通过这一事件,作者得出的结论是(as hacking trial concludes):由此造成的诚信缺失广泛问题依然存在(the wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands),即仍然存在一些人没有被裁定有罪。接着文章指出了在新闻业中,已经有记者被认定非法侵入用户手机。而还有一些在等待审判(others await trial),由此

5 单选题 1分

Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted_(3)__1,932 unique subjects which__(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1%may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,“Most people do not even_(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it.There could be many mechanisms working together that_(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship”of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.


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上下文语义衔接+副词辨析空格处要求填入的副词修饰动词“found”,空所在的句子开头用“The study…”,显然讨论的是同一个研究,前文指出研究发现朋友与我们有1%的基因关系,而空所在句“the genes for smell were something shared in friends(朋友间在嗅觉基因方面有相关性)”在进一步详细讨论该话题,前后之间是顺接关系,A选项强调同样的东西再一次提及,C选项表示对比转折,D选项表示因果关系,只有B选项also表示顺接递进关系,故答案为B。

6 单选题 1分

Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted_(3)__1,932 unique subjects which__(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1%may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,“Most people do not even_(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it.There could be many mechanisms working together that_(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship”of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.


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7 单选题 1分

Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted_(3)__1,932 unique subjects which__(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1%may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,“Most people do not even_(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it.There could be many mechanisms working together that_(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship”of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.


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上下文语义衔接+动词辨析本题空格处考查了动词,解题的关键是确定主语most people(很多人)与宾语their fourth cousins(他们隔三代的表亲)两者之间的关系。空所在的语境为:大多数人甚至不____他们隔三代的表亲,但却设法选择那些____我们亲戚的人作为朋友。根据上下文语义以及文章主旨的导向,不难判断D选项最符合文意,“很多人甚至不认识自己隔三代的表亲”,故答案选择D。

8 单选题 1分

Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted_(3)__1,932 unique subjects which__(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1%may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,“Most people do not even_(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it.There could be many mechanisms working together that_(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship”of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.


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上下文语义衔接+形容词辨析本题考核的是形容词结构作表语。形容词作表语时,通过主语和表语搭配的一致性来判断所选填的形容词。空所在的语境为:尽管这1%看起来似乎____,但是遗传学家可不这么认为。空前后形成对比转折的逻辑关系,而从后文列举的例子中可知遗传学家James Fowler对这1%基因的态度是肯定的,而从常识判断,1%所占的比例也是非常小的,综合分析,故答案为A。

9 单选题 1分

Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted_(3)__1,932 unique subjects which__(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1%may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,“Most people do not even_(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it.There could be many mechanisms working together that_(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship”of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.


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10 单选题 1分

Though not biologically related,friends are as“related”as fourth cousins,sharing about 1%of genes.That is_(1)_a study,published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted_(3)__1,932 unique subjects which__(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers.The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1%may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist.As James Fowler,professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego,says,“Most people do not even_(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity.Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests,it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it.There could be many mechanisms working together that_(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship”of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years,with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds,say the researchers.Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction,care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects,friends and strangers,were taken from the same population.


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