


发布时间: 2021-12-14 09:13



1 单选题 1分

Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.

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2 单选题 1分

Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.

空白(4)应选( )。

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3 单选题 1分

Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.

空白(5)应选( )。

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4 单选题 1分

Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.

空白(3)应选( )。

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5 单选题 1分

Typically, an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks. Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses, and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (1)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (2)the scope of a single LAN segment is straightforward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN Segment. Those stations that are members of the (3)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (4)the packet. In this case, only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted. This technique works because of the (5)nature of a LAN: A transmission from any one station is received by all other station on the LAN.

空白(1)应选( )。

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6 单选题 1分

MVC(Model——View——Controller,模型——视图——控制器)是一种广泛流行的软件设计模式,也是 J2EE 平台上推荐的一种设计模型。其中,( )主要表现用户界面。

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MVC 是一种使用 MVC(Model View Controller 模型-视图-控制器)设计创建 Web 应用程序的模式。

? Model(模型)表示应用程序核心(比如数据库记录列表)。

? View(视图)显示数据(数据库记录)。

? Controller(控制器)处理输入(写入数据库记录)。

7 单选题 1分

MVC(Model——View——Controller,模型——视图——控制器)是一种广泛流行的软件设计模式,也是 J2EE 平台上推荐的一种设计模型。其中,( )用来描述核心业务逻辑。

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MVC 是一种使用 MVC(Model View Controller 模型-视图-控制器)设计创建 Web 应用程序的模式。

? Model(模型)表示应用程序核心(比如数据库记录列表)。

? View(视图)显示数据(数据库记录)。

? Controller(控制器)处理输入(写入数据库记录)。

8 单选题 1分

信息系统的概念结构如下图所示,正确的名称顺序是( )。


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9 单选题 1分

企业 IT 战略规划不仅要符合企业发展的长期目标,而且其战略规划的范围控制应该( )

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企业IT战略规划进行战略性思考的时候可以从以下几方面考虑:(1)IT战略规划目标的制定要具有战略性,确立与企业战略目标相一致的企业IT战略规划目标,并且以支撑和推动企业战略目标的实现作为价值核心。(2)IT战略规划要体现企业核心竞争力要求,规划的范围控制要紧密围绕如何提升企业的核心竞争力来进行,切忌面面俱到的无范围控制。 (3)IT战略规划目标的制定要具有较强的业务结合性,深入分析和结合企业不同时期的发展要求,将建设目标分解为合理可行的阶段性目标,并最终转化为企业业务目标的组成部分。 (4)IT战略规划对信息技术的规划必须具有策略性,对信息技术发展的规律和趋势要具有敏锐的洞察力,在信息化规划时就要考虑到目前以及未来发展的适应性问题。 (5)IT战略规划对成本的投资分析要有战术性,既要考虑到总成本投资韵最优,又要结合企业建设的不同阶段做出科学合理的投资成本比例分析,为企业获得较低的投舒散益比。(6)IT战略规划要对资源的分配和切入时机进行充分的可行性评估。

10 单选题 1分

IT 运维服务质量的评价来自于 IT 服务供方、IT 服务需方和第三方的需要,由于 IT 运维服务的无形性、不可分离性、差异性等特点,国标《信息技术服务质量评价指标体系》给出了用于评价信息技术服务质量的模型。其中,安全性是五类特性中的重要一项,下列( )不属于安全评价指标。

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