

1. Many young talented ____(音乐家)gave a wonderful performance on May 4th.

2. Hard-working spirit is stressed ____(在...之间)students in schools.

3. Here are our school uniforms. ____(他们的)are over there.

4. Lots of ____(贵重)objects are on show in the museum.

5. Many classic Chinese poems are ____(广泛)spread in the world.

答案: 1.musicians 2.among 3.Theirs 4.valuable 5.widely






更新时间:2022-04-28 15:48




1. Many young talented ____(音乐家)gave a wonderful performance on May 4th.

2. Hard-working spirit is stressed ____(在...之间)students in schools.

3. Here are our school uniforms. ____(他们的)are over there.

4. Lots of ____(贵重)objects are on show in the museum.

5. Many classic Chinese poems are ____(广泛)spread in the world.



catch, discuss, pull, down, climb, fight

1. Many old houses around our school ____ last year and a large green area appeared.

2. With strong team spirit, the Chinese women’s volleyball players ____ for the national honor at the coming Olympics.

3. Tom ____ the volunteer program with his friends at this time yesterday.

4. The smart robot in the restaurant always ____ the customers eyes.

5. It’s reported that the temperature ____ quickly since this morning.



Nothing sounds better than a swim on a hot summer day. However, many teens, including some who are good swimmers drown (溺水) each year. When someone is drowning, it's often silent and happens very quickly. 1.____. Here are some tips on how to prevent drowning when you go for a swim.

Never swim alone - even for a moment. You should go swimming with adults and make sure that they are able to keep you safe. 2. ____.       

Enter the water carefully and feet first. Go in feet first so that you can know how deep the water is. Diving into unsafe water can lead to serious injuries.

 3. ____. Take some time to stretch (拉伸) your body before you enter the water. Get your body prepared and safety will surely follow.

 Learn lifesaving skills. 4. ____. CPR is one of the lifesaving skills that can help others who are near drowning.

Choose swimming areas carefully. 5. ____.Choose the areas with safety facilities (设施) and lifeguards

Remember: In case of emergency, it's always important to call for help first! All in all, keep swimming safety in mind when you are in and around the water.


A. Do body exercise

B. But it can be prevented

C.Warm up before swimming

D.It's important to have an adult nearby watch for danger

E. Don't go to the swimming areas that you don't know well

F. Many schools and training centers now offer classes to learn these skills


Where is the passage most likely from?

  • A.A poem collection.
  • B.A geography magazine.
  • C.A local newspaper.
  • D.A science-fiction novel.

Grandpa has influenced Cindy in a positive way by_________.

  • A. taking her to a peaceful island
  • B.solving her difficulties in life
  • C.speaking loudly to her
  • D.setting a good example for her

What kind of person is Cindy's grandpa?

  • A. Kind and strict.
  • B.Caring and responsible.
  • C.Serious and positive.
  • D.Loving and impatient.

What does Cindy mean by saying the underlined sentence in the passage?

  • A.She can always depend on her grandparents.
  • B.She is always welcome in her grandparents' home.
  • C.Her grandparents give her too much pressure.
  • D.Her grandparents are always kind to her.


Families celebrate National Grandparents Day in many ways. Every year at this time, we hear from our readers sharing their stories to give thanks and express love to their grandparents. Here is Cindy's story.

My darling Grandfather,

I don’t think I could ever find the words to describe the positive(积极的) influence you have had on my life. I'm writing to tell you how important you are in my life.

Grandpa, I couldn’t imagine where I would be now without you and Grandma. Through all the difficulties, you two have been like a rock in my life and a peaceful island in a big lonely ocean. You have given me power in my life.

Seeing you two again was always like a homecoming. When I came to visit, your loving arms welcomed me and we had wonderful times together talking and walking.

You have shown me that there are men who are caring and good. I remember when I was a litle girl, how you held me tightly(紧紧地) when I couldn’t' sleep. You always spoke kindly to me.

You have shown me what a family man is ---a man who gives what is best for his children. You always gave, even when it was not easy for you or when you were tired and unwell.

You have also shown me what a caring husband is --- a man who loves his wife as much as he can. We know that no one is perfect, but in my whole life I never heard you raise your voice at Grandma or treat her disrespectfully(不尊重地).

Grandpa, you gave me hope to believe that I could also be a responsible person one day: Thank you for your ongoing love and example to me.

Your loving granddaughter,


Cindy is writing the letter to__.

  • A.share stories with her grandparents
  • B.tell her grandparents she will visit them
  • C. let her grandpa know how important he is
  • D.show her grandpa what kind of person she has become

Which is the best title of the passage?

  • A.Habits of Camels
  • B.Marco Polo's Trip to China
  • C.Life in the Desert
  • D.Camels-Ships of the Desert

What can we know about camels from the passage?

  • A. Camels can carry few pounds of supplies.
  • B. Camels store fat and water in their stomachs.
  • C.Camels can run fast on sand with large feet.
  • D. Camels have been used for transportation for hundreds of years.\