

卷面总分:70分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:70题 练习次数:174次
单选题 (共70题,共70分)


  • A. 和平
  • B. 稳定
  • C. 共享
  • D. 法治
标记 纠错


  • A. 加强党的领导
  • B. 全面
  • C. 从严
  • D. 民主集中制
标记 纠错


  • A. 学校雷锋
  • B. 防灾减害
  • C. 禁毒
  • D. 国耻
标记 纠错


  • A. 改变了人类对意识的能动活动活动
  • B. 肯定了人工智能可以代替意识的能动活动
  • C. 否定了物质对意识的决定作用
  • D. 丰富了物质和意识相互关系的内容
标记 纠错


  • A. 进行政治协商,制定国家法律
  • B. 检查政府工作,任免政府领导人
  • C. 开展政治协商,进行民主监督,实行参政议政
  • D. 进行政治协商,批准国家预算
标记 纠错


  • A. 去产能
  • B. 去短板
  • C. 去库存
  • D. 去杠杆
标记 纠错


  • A. 生产的全球化
  • B. 贸易的全球化
  • C. 资源配置的全球化
  • D. 资本的全球化
标记 纠错


  • A. 国内生产总值和外汇储备量倍增
  • B. 外汇储备量和进出口贸易额倍增
  • C. 国内生产总值和城乡居民收入倍增
  • D. 进出口贸易额和城乡居民收入倍增
标记 纠错


  • A. 世界银行
  • B. 国际货币基金组织
  • C. 世贸组织
  • D. 金砖国家开发银行
标记 纠错

《事业单位人事管理条例》第十二条规定,事业单位与工作人员订立的聘用合同,期限一般不低于( ) 年。

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 5
标记 纠错


  • A. 在行政复议,行政诉讼期间,行政处罚停止执行
  • B. 行政机关在作出行政处罚决定之前,即使当事人未主动询问,行政机关也应当告知当事人作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由及依据,并告知其依法享有的权利
  • C. 一般程序中,处罚告知后,当事人有权在规定时间内提出质疑和申辩,行政部门可以因此加重处罚
  • D. 没有法定依据或者不遵守法定程序的,行政处罚可以撤销
标记 纠错


  • A. 依法行政
  • B. 公开公正
  • C. 转变政府职能
  • D. 全民守法
标记 纠错


  • A. 民主立法、公开执法、公正司法、全民守法
  • B. 科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法
  • C. 民主立法、严格执法、透明司法、全民守法
  • D. 科学立法、透明执法、公正司法、全民守法
标记 纠错


  • A. 解释法律
  • B. 公布法律
  • C. 制定和修改基本法律
  • D. 审查和批准国民经济和社会发展规划
标记 纠错


  • A. 教育和预测作用
  • B. 引领和强制作用
  • C. 指引和教育作用
  • D. 引领和规范作用
标记 纠错


  • A. 科技强省
  • B. 农业强省
  • C. 政治强省
  • D. 生态强省
标记 纠错


  • A. 北京
  • B. 上海
  • C. 成都
  • D. 西安
标记 纠错


  • A. 公正
  • B. 美好
  • C. 高尚
  • D. 富饶
标记 纠错


  • A. 《离骚》《史记》《文心雕龙》《岳阳楼记》
  • B. 《史记》《离骚》《岳阳楼记》《文心雕龙》
  • C. 《离骚》《文心雕龙》《史记》《岳阳楼记》
  • D. 《离骚》《史记》《岳阳楼记》《文心雕龙》
标记 纠错


  • A. 马踏匈奴
  • B. 马踏飞燕
  • C. 秦兵马俑
  • D. 昭陵六骏
标记 纠错


  • A. 毛笔中的狼毫用的其实是黄鼠狼的毛,而非凶猛的狼
  • B. 人工墨历史悠久,甲骨文时代即已出现
  • C. 宣纸过百年乃至千年依然光洁如新,可谓纸寿千年
  • D. 中国四大名砚的砚石各自具体风格独特的石品
标记 纠错


  • A. 蜻蜓点水,并不是蜻蜓闲来无事在戏水,而是在产卵
  • B. 海马生儿育女非常奇特,它是由雄性海马育儿的
  • C. 树袋熊又叫考拉,熊科,一生有三分之二的时间都在桉树上
  • D. 海豹和人类一样用肺呼吸,但它可以在水中停留较长时间不呼吸
标记 纠错


  • A. 龙卷风风是大气中最激烈的漩涡现象,破坏力很强
  • B. 日晕或月晕的出现,往往预示着天气要有一定的变化
  • C. 绚烂的极光是星球高纬地区上空的大规模放电现象
  • D. 温室效应会带来滑坡、暴风雪以及海啸等很多灾害后果
标记 纠错


  • A. 微生物是人类不可或缺多好朋友
  • B. 细菌、真菌、病毒都是微生物
  • C. 微生物很小,通过显微镜才能看得到
  • D. 青霉素的发现是微生物的重大贡献
标记 纠错


  • A. 扫描仪
  • B. 键盘
  • C. 打印机
  • D. 鼠标
标记 纠错


  • A. 时间
  • B. 大小
  • C. 修改时间
  • D. 属性
标记 纠错


  • A. 保存
  • B. 关闭
  • C. 另存为
  • D. 退出
标记 纠错


  • A. 刚打开的工作薄文件被关闭,其他已经打开的Excel文件正常工作
  • B. 所有打开的工作薄文件均被关闭,Excel应用程序仍在运行
  • C. 部分打开的工作薄文件被关闭,Excel应用程序仍在运行
  • D. 所有打开的工作薄文件均被关闭,Excel应用程序退出运行
标记 纠错


  • A. 维生素A
  • B. 维生素B
  • C. 维生素C
  • D. 维生素D
标记 纠错


  • A. 北斗星导航系统可独立为全球用户提供服务,并已覆盖全球
  • B. 北斗星导航系统是继美国和俄罗斯之后研制发出的第三大全球卫星导航系统
  • C. 北斗星导航系统精密授时,定位精准,兼具军用和民用功能
  • D. 北斗星导航系统与GPS在定位效果上已没有差异
标记 纠错



  • A. 有的报了瑜伽班的会员喜欢游泳
  • B. 有的喜欢游泳的会员没有报瑜伽班
  • C. 有的报了瑜伽班的会员不喜欢拉丁舞
  • D. 所有报了拉丁舞班的会员都报了瑜伽班
标记 纠错



  • A. 在研究肥胖儿童的过程中发现,肥胖儿童通常多吃自己喜欢的的食物
  • B. 针对成年人的研究表明,睡眠不足会让其大脑发出指令,多吃点食物进行补偿
  • C. 某市关于学龄前儿童超重情况的调查显示,多数超重儿童每天的睡眠在12小时左右
  • D. 美味而高能量的食物唾手可得,是导致睡眠不足儿童发胖的重要外在因素
标记 纠错



  • A. 在实验的全部草场中,除酸性最强的土壤外,其他草场的生物多样性逐渐恢复
  • B. 研究者发现,定期割草来去除草场上的生物质,可以从生态系统中去除多余氮
  • C. 过量的氮会破坏臭氧层,引发酸雨、损害土质,破坏草场的生物多样性
  • D. 采取更严格的排放政策后,草场生物多样性的恢复程度目前还难以确定
标记 纠错







  • A. 牛奶和牛肉的价格会上涨
  • B. 猪肉和牛奶的价格会上涨
  • C. 牛奶和面包的价格会上涨
  • D. 牛肉和面包的价格会上涨
标记 纠错



  • A. 与中东呼吸综合征患者接触过得人员,经隔离后均未发现异常
  • B. 中东呼吸综合征的死亡率高于“非典”的10%,达到37%。
  • C. “非典”与中东呼吸综合征同属于一个β冠状病毒,且均属C亚型
  • D. 中东呼吸综合征是一种烈性病毒,该病毒不可能大面积传播
标记 纠错


  • A. 物质条件足够好也可以成为大学的名片
  • B. 高素质的师资队伍对于兴办大学是极为重要的
  • C. 北大、清华招生的“掐尖战”违背“大师”之谓,枉为“大学”
  • D. 高校的核心竞争力在于无可复制的办学风格
标记 纠错


  • A. 只有在调休之前提交申请才不会按旷工处理
  • B. 如果在调休事前提交申请,就不会按旷工处理
  • C. 如果没有按旷工处理,那么在调休之前就提交了申请
  • D. 如果没有在调休事前提交申请,那么就按旷工处理
标记 纠错



  • A. 该校加强了二级学院对学生考试纪律教育,提高学生对遵守考试纪律重要性的认识。
  • B. 目前该大学对考试管理的力度较八年前有明显加强
  • C. 考试违纪的主要原因是大学生违反了考试规定
  • D. 由于违纪学生受到处分,使得其他学生不敢违反考试纪律
标记 纠错



  • A. 若某地种植转基因大豆,就可以得到该地会出现转基因大豆的结论
  • B. 目前的转基因大豆种子在我国必定无法种植
  • C. 我国需要研发适宜黑龙江自然条件下生长的转基因作物
  • D. 国外转基因大豆品种如若在黑龙江种植会导致一些当地的种植户颗粒无收
标记 纠错



  • A. “互联网+”时代,社交软件成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分,影响着人们生活的方方面面,尤其对人的情感发展起着潜在的引导作用
  • B. 社交软件为人们情感需求的满足搭建了一个平台,成为不少人婚姻情感出轨的导火线
  • C. 夫妻之所以离婚,他们本身的关系是存在危机的,社交软件只是增加了关系破裂的可能性,外因还是要通过内因起作用
  • D. 维护婚姻的稳定不是要取消社交软件,而是要提高人们的道德自律性
标记 纠错



  • A. 某校元旦晚会负责人在晚会结束后,立即将工作人员集中进行工作总结
  • B. 为确保活动能够按其顺利开展,策划员在活动开展前,对现场布置进行认真检查
  • C. 某高校教师在学生开展志愿服务活动时,积极对学生进行指导
  • D. 为确保演出效果,话剧团将彩排录像发给专家审阅,以便及时解决所发现的问题
标记 纠错



  • A. 年中临近,需加班加点,过后就开展了一系列丰富多彩的文体活动
  • B. 为了迎接“三.八节”,我们单位组织职工参加集体爬山活动
  • C. 吴兵是个敬业的网络游戏设计师,但他对登山、下围棋等活动也十分着迷
  • D. 某大学,为了激发老师参与集体活动的积极性,在春季到来时候就举办各种活动
标记 纠错



  • A. 张某是一名出租车司机,在拾获乘客李某遗忘在车上的1万元后拒不退还
  • B. 胡某在海边游玩时,见到了几个非常奇特的贝壳
  • C. 田某出差期间,将他的电脑交邻居王某保管,王某保管不当,致使电脑被盗
  • D. 华某在逛珠宝店时,趁店员不备,用假宝石换了该店价值12万元的真宝石
标记 纠错



  • A. 某渔民家庭从渔船搬迁至城里的安置小区居住,半年过后才适应小区生活
  • B. 某企业派遣员工到国外企业学习,但员工们感到很难适应外企的生产和管理理念
  • C. 某留学生对所在大学的授课方式难以接受,认为其过于自由,缺乏条理性和规范性
  • D. 张某从原来单独的办公室搬到两人一起的办公室,他一时不能适应
标记 纠错



  • A. 在班级举办的演讲活动中,江浩总是显得十分不自在,甚至怯场
  • B. 谈一阳在别人面前觉得害羞或不好意思,也不愿意和人说话
  • C. 在公共场所,不少人低头玩手机、打电话、发微信、拍照片,成了真正的“低头族”
  • D. 在聚会和其他的各个场合,;李皖晨总是默默坐在一边,生怕成为别人注意的焦点
标记 纠错



  • A. 某公司员工因不满工资待遇,在公司门口静坐以表达抗议与不满
  • B. 所谓教授针对政治体制改革中的问题,联名写了一封建议书给政府,引起高度重视
  • C. 某公民认为法院判决不公而多次上访,希望另外指定法院重新审判案件
  • D. 某村民认为县政府征地违法,与征地人员发生暴力冲突,引起社会的广泛关注
标记 纠错



  • A. 杜鹃不会筑巢,也不哺育雏鸟,但它们会为后代寻找其他鸟类的巣以及养父母,即寄主
  • B. 雌螳螂在“新婚之夜”就会将“夫君”吃掉,而雄螳螂明知结果,却依然“义无反顾”
  • C. 小鸟找到食物时,不管多少,都会一边采食一边发出声音来邀请同伴分享食物
  • D. 草原犬鼠是一种群居动物,在发现天敌时,犬鼠会发出警报声
标记 纠错


  • A. 有什么样的校长,就会有什么样的学校
  • B. 公司每年都会花重金去招聘项目经理,而对于业务员的招聘就会简单许多
  • C. 甲队队员实力一般,并没有明星球员,但却打败了另一支拥有明星球员的球队
  • D. 平海队一直战绩平平,自从去年换了主帅之后,就一路挺进总决赛,更是有望夺冠
标记 纠错



  • A. 小王今天穿了一件新T恤去上学,他以为同学们都会关注他,所以走起路来很别扭
  • B. 小李是篮球队主力,又帅,走到哪里都是女孩子们热捧的对象,大家都叫他“男神”
  • C. 小赵从小就是个孤儿,所以性格内向、沉默寡言,从来不敢主动和女孩子搭讪
  • D. 小敏以前不修边幅,最近却喜欢上化妆了,出门总是打扮得漂漂亮亮的,大家都猜测她是不是恋爱了
标记 纠错



  • A. 张经理在单位是个德高望重的领导,他在交办一项任务时,喜欢对下属说:“我相信你一定能办好”、“你是会有办法的”...这样下属就会朝张经理期待的方向发展,人才也就在期待之中得以产生
  • B. 小李非常讨厌同事小王,一天听到小王说公司附近新开的一家饭店很好吃,小李子啊心理上就产生了抗拒,觉得那家店一定不好吃
  • C. 小彭本来穿了一件自认为很漂亮的衣服去上班,结果好几个跟她关系好的同事都说不好看,下班后,她回家做的第一件事就是把衣服换下来,并且决定再也不穿它去上班了
  • D. 小王的偶像是周杰伦,自从看到周杰伦在采访中说他觉得篮球是最酷的运动之后,也开始爱上了打篮球
标记 纠错

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder whose main symptom is excessive, overriding sleepiness. A victim can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, even in the most circumstances. And there is no cure. “Having narcolepsy,” says Bill, “is like always being as sleepy as a normal person might be after staying awake three days.”

It is estimated that a quarter million Americans have narcolepsy, mostly undiagnosed. This is because, in a physical exam,a doctor may not find anything wrong with a narcoleptic person. It may take years, and visits to several doctors, before a narcoleptic discovers the name of his problem. Researchers now believe that the disease is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the part of the brain that controls wakefulness. Initial symptoms may also include a sudden loss if muscle tone brought on by an intense emotion--anything from anger to laughter. Some narcoleptics hallucinate or develop sleep paralysis, which is the feeling during the lighter stages of sleep of being completely unable to move or talk. The prognosis for a patient with narcolepsy isn’t good. Narcoleptics have the disease all their lives, and many cannot hold down a job or lead a normal life. Some narcoleptics take daily doses of prescribed drugs like Dexedrine --”uppers”--to stay awake lone enough to function. The problem of narcolepsy is being studied now, and someday there may be a cure. But current sufferers must endure an existence, that is, as one woman said, “like walking through glue.”

The author is primarily concerned with_____.

  • A. narcolepsyisaseriousdiseasewithnocurenow
  • B. narcolepsyishilarious
  • C. narcolepsyismostlyundiagnosed
  • D. narcolepticsarecommonpeoplewholikesleeping
标记 纠错

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder whose main symptom is excessive, overriding sleepiness. A victim can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, even in the most circumstances. And there is no cure. “Having narcolepsy,” says Bill, “is like always being as sleepy as a normal person might be after staying awake three days.”

It is estimated that a quarter million Americans have narcolepsy, mostly undiagnosed. This is because, in a physical exam,a doctor may not find anything wrong with a narcoleptic person. It may take years, and visits to several doctors, before a narcoleptic discovers the name of his problem. Researchers now believe that the disease is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the part of the brain that controls wakefulness. Initial symptoms may also include a sudden loss if muscle tone brought on by an intense emotion--anything from anger to laughter. Some narcoleptics hallucinate or develop sleep paralysis, which is the feeling during the lighter stages of sleep of being completely unable to move or talk. The prognosis for a patient with narcolepsy isn’t good. Narcoleptics have the disease all their lives, and many cannot hold down a job or lead a normal life. Some narcoleptics take daily doses of prescribed drugs like Dexedrine --”uppers”--to stay awake lone enough to function. The problem of narcolepsy is being studied now, and someday there may be a cure. But current sufferers must endure an existence, that is, as one woman said, “like walking through glue.”

All of the following symptoms of narcolepsy are true EXCEPT()

  • A. asuddenlossofmuscletone
  • B. anintenseemotionofangerorlaughter
  • C. afeelingofbeingunabletomoveortalk
  • D. excessivesleepiness
标记 纠错

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder whose main symptom is excessive, overriding sleepiness. A victim can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, even in the most circumstances. And there is no cure. “Having narcolepsy,” says Bill, “is like always being as sleepy as a normal person might be after staying awake three days.”

It is estimated that a quarter million Americans have narcolepsy, mostly undiagnosed. This is because, in a physical exam,a doctor may not find anything wrong with a narcoleptic person. It may take years, and visits to several doctors, before a narcoleptic discovers the name of his problem. Researchers now believe that the disease is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the part of the brain that controls wakefulness. Initial symptoms may also include a sudden loss if muscle tone brought on by an intense emotion--anything from anger to laughter. Some narcoleptics hallucinate or develop sleep paralysis, which is the feeling during the lighter stages of sleep of being completely unable to move or talk. The prognosis for a patient with narcolepsy isn’t good. Narcoleptics have the disease all their lives, and many cannot hold down a job or lead a normal life. Some narcoleptics take daily doses of prescribed drugs like Dexedrine --”uppers”--to stay awake lone enough to function. The problem of narcolepsy is being studied now, and someday there may be a cure. But current sufferers must endure an existence, that is, as one woman said, “like walking through glue.”

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  • A. Paralysiscausedbynarcolepsyhappensduringlighterstagesofsleep
  • B. Thecauseofthediseaseisnotknown
  • C. Throughaphysicalexam,adoctormayfindsomethingwrongwithapatientwithnarcolepsy
  • D. Thereisnowaytodiagnosethedisease
标记 纠错

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder whose main symptom is excessive, overriding sleepiness. A victim can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, even in the most circumstances. And there is no cure. “Having narcolepsy,” says Bill, “is like always being as sleepy as a normal person might be after staying awake three days.”

It is estimated that a quarter million Americans have narcolepsy, mostly undiagnosed. This is because, in a physical exam,a doctor may not find anything wrong with a narcoleptic person. It may take years, and visits to several doctors, before a narcoleptic discovers the name of his problem. Researchers now believe that the disease is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the part of the brain that controls wakefulness. Initial symptoms may also include a sudden loss if muscle tone brought on by an intense emotion--anything from anger to laughter. Some narcoleptics hallucinate or develop sleep paralysis, which is the feeling during the lighter stages of sleep of being completely unable to move or talk. The prognosis for a patient with narcolepsy isn’t good. Narcoleptics have the disease all their lives, and many cannot hold down a job or lead a normal life. Some narcoleptics take daily doses of prescribed drugs like Dexedrine --”uppers”--to stay awake lone enough to function. The problem of narcolepsy is being studied now, and someday there may be a cure. But current sufferers must endure an existence, that is, as one woman said, “like walking through glue.”

The meaning of the sentence “The prognosis for a patient with narcolepsy isn’t good”(Para 2) is explained by the author____

  • A. intheprevioussentence
  • B. neitherAandB
  • C. bothAandB
  • D. inthenextsentence
标记 纠错

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder whose main symptom is excessive, overriding sleepiness. A victim can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, even in the most circumstances. And there is no cure. “Having narcolepsy,” says Bill, “is like always being as sleepy as a normal person might be after staying awake three days.”

It is estimated that a quarter million Americans have narcolepsy, mostly undiagnosed. This is because, in a physical exam,a doctor may not find anything wrong with a narcoleptic person. It may take years, and visits to several doctors, before a narcoleptic discovers the name of his problem. Researchers now believe that the disease is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the part of the brain that controls wakefulness. Initial symptoms may also include a sudden loss if muscle tone brought on by an intense emotion--anything from anger to laughter. Some narcoleptics hallucinate or develop sleep paralysis, which is the feeling during the lighter stages of sleep of being completely unable to move or talk. The prognosis for a patient with narcolepsy isn’t good. Narcoleptics have the disease all their lives, and many cannot hold down a job or lead a normal life. Some narcoleptics take daily doses of prescribed drugs like Dexedrine --”uppers”--to stay awake lone enough to function. The problem of narcolepsy is being studied now, and someday there may be a cure. But current sufferers must endure an existence, that is, as one woman said, “like walking through glue.”

As used in the passage, the best definition of “walking through glue”(Pare. 2)is a feeling of____

  • A. curiosity
  • B. greatdifficulty
  • C. anxiety
  • D. strangeness
标记 纠错

There’s no doubt that nanotechnology promises so much for civilization. However, all new technologies have their teething problems, And with nanotechnology, society often gets the wrong idea about its capabilities. Numerous science-fiction books and movies have raised people’s fears about nanotechnology ---with scenarios such as inserting little nano-robots into your body that monitor everything you do without you realizing it,or self-replicating nano-robots that eventually take over the world.

So how do we safeguard such a potentially powerful technology? Some scientists recommend that nano-particles be treated as new chemicals with separate safety tests and clear labelling. They believe that greater care should also be taken with nano-particles in laboratories and factories. Others have called for a withdrawal of new nano products such as cosmetics and a temporary halt to many kinds of nanotech research.

But as far as I’m concerned there’s a need to plough ahead with the discoveries and applications of nanotechnology.I really believe that most scientists would welcome a way to guard against unethical uses of such technology. We can’t go around thinking that all innovation is bad.all advancement is bad. As with the debate about any new technology.it is how you use it that’s important.So let’s look at some of its possible uses.

Thanks to nanotechnology, there could be a major breakthrough in the field of transportation with the production of more durable metals. These could be virtually unbreakable, lighter and much more pliable leading to planes that are 50 times lighter than at present. Those same improved capabilities will dramatically reduce the cost of traveling into space making it more accessible to ordinary people and opening up a totally new holiday destination.

In terms of technology, the computer industry will be able to shrink computer parts down to minute sizes. We need nanotechnology in order to create

  • A. itcouldthreatenourwayoflife
  • B. Itismisunderstoodbythepublic
  • C. Itcouldbeusedtospyonpeople
  • D. Weonlyseenanotechologyinsomebooksandmovies
标记 纠错

There’s no doubt that nanotechnology promises so much for civilization. However, all new technologies have their teething problems, And with nanotechnology, society often gets the wrong idea about its capabilities. Numerous science-fiction books and movies have raised people’s fears about nanotechnology ---with scenarios such as inserting little nano-robots into your body that monitor everything you do without you realizing it,or self-replicating nano-robots that eventually take over the world.

So how do we safeguard such a potentially powerful technology? Some scientists recommend that nano-particles be treated as new chemicals with separate safety tests and clear labelling. They believe that greater care should also be taken with nano-particles in laboratories and factories. Others have called for a withdrawal of new nano products such as cosmetics and a temporary halt to many kinds of nanotech research.

But as far as I’m concerned there’s a need to plough ahead with the discoveries and applications of nanotechnology.I really believe that most scientists would welcome a way to guard against unethical uses of such technology. We can’t go around thinking that all innovation is bad.all advancement is bad. As with the debate about any new technology.it is how you use it that’s important.So let’s look at some of its possible uses.

Thanks to nanotechnology, there could be a major breakthrough in the field of transportation with the production of more durable metals. These could be virtually unbreakable, lighter and much more pliable leading to planes that are 50 times lighter than at present. Those same improved capabilities will dramatically reduce the cost of traveling into space making it more accessible to ordinary people and opening up a totally new holiday destination.

In terms of technology, the computer industry will be able to shrink computer parts down to minute sizes. We need nanotechnology in order to create

  • A. shouldbeusedwithmorecaution
  • B. Shouldberestrictedtosecureenvironments
  • C. Shouldonlybedevelopedforessentialproducts
  • D. Shouldhalttodomanykindsnanotechresearch
标记 纠错

There’s no doubt that nanotechnology promises so much for civilization. However, all new technologies have their teething problems, And with nanotechnology, society often gets the wrong idea about its capabilities. Numerous science-fiction books and movies have raised people’s fears about nanotechnology ---with scenarios such as inserting little nano-robots into your body that monitor everything you do without you realizing it,or self-replicating nano-robots that eventually take over the world.

So how do we safeguard such a potentially powerful technology? Some scientists recommend that nano-particles be treated as new chemicals with separate safety tests and clear labelling. They believe that greater care should also be taken with nano-particles in laboratories and factories. Others have called for a withdrawal of new nano products such as cosmetics and a temporary halt to many kinds of nanotech research.

But as far as I’m concerned there’s a need to plough ahead with the discoveries and applications of nanotechnology.I really believe that most scientists would welcome a way to guard against unethical uses of such technology. We can’t go around thinking that all innovation is bad.all advancement is bad. As with the debate about any new technology.it is how you use it that’s important.So let’s look at some of its possible uses.

Thanks to nanotechnology, there could be a major breakthrough in the field of transportation with the production of more durable metals. These could be virtually unbreakable, lighter and much more pliable leading to planes that are 50 times lighter than at present. Those same improved capabilities will dramatically reduce the cost of traveling into space making it more accessible to ordinary people and opening up a totally new holiday destination.

In terms of technology, the computer industry will be able to shrink computer parts down to minute sizes. We need nanotechnology in order to create

  • A. hasyettowinpopularsupport
  • B. oughttobecontinued
  • C. couldbeseenasunethical
  • D. canreplicatepeoplecompletely
标记 纠错

There’s no doubt that nanotechnology promises so much for civilization. However, all new technologies have their teething problems, And with nanotechnology, society often gets the wrong idea about its capabilities. Numerous science-fiction books and movies have raised people’s fears about nanotechnology ---with scenarios such as inserting little nano-robots into your body that monitor everything you do without you realizing it,or self-replicating nano-robots that eventually take over the world.

So how do we safeguard such a potentially powerful technology? Some scientists recommend that nano-particles be treated as new chemicals with separate safety tests and clear labelling. They believe that greater care should also be taken with nano-particles in laboratories and factories. Others have called for a withdrawal of new nano products such as cosmetics and a temporary halt to many kinds of nanotech research.

But as far as I’m concerned there’s a need to plough ahead with the discoveries and applications of nanotechnology.I really believe that most scientists would welcome a way to guard against unethical uses of such technology. We can’t go around thinking that all innovation is bad.all advancement is bad. As with the debate about any new technology.it is how you use it that’s important.So let’s look at some of its possible uses.

Thanks to nanotechnology, there could be a major breakthrough in the field of transportation with the production of more durable metals. These could be virtually unbreakable, lighter and much more pliable leading to planes that are 50 times lighter than at present. Those same improved capabilities will dramatically reduce the cost of traveling into space making it more accessible to ordinary people and opening up a totally new holiday destination.

In terms of technology, the computer industry will be able to shrink computer parts down to minute sizes. We need nanotechnology in order to create

  • A. theuseofNanotcechcouldeventuallytakeovertheworld
  • B. Nanotechhasfewimplicationsaffectingusinmanyways
  • C. itistooexpensivetomakesolarenergy
  • D. itispossibleusersareveryhelpfulandbeneficialtohumans
标记 纠错

There’s no doubt that nanotechnology promises so much for civilization. However, all new technologies have their teething problems, And with nanotechnology, society often gets the wrong idea about its capabilities. Numerous science-fiction books and movies have raised people’s fears about nanotechnology ---with scenarios such as inserting little nano-robots into your body that monitor everything you do without you realizing it,or self-replicating nano-robots that eventually take over the world.

So how do we safeguard such a potentially powerful technology? Some scientists recommend that nano-particles be treated as new chemicals with separate safety tests and clear labelling. They believe that greater care should also be taken with nano-particles in laboratories and factories. Others have called for a withdrawal of new nano products such as cosmetics and a temporary halt to many kinds of nanotech research.

But as far as I’m concerned there’s a need to plough ahead with the discoveries and applications of nanotechnology.I really believe that most scientists would welcome a way to guard against unethical uses of such technology. We can’t go around thinking that all innovation is bad.all advancement is bad. As with the debate about any new technology.it is how you use it that’s important.So let’s look at some of its possible uses.

Thanks to nanotechnology, there could be a major breakthrough in the field of transportation with the production of more durable metals. These could be virtually unbreakable, lighter and much more pliable leading to planes that are 50 times lighter than at present. Those same improved capabilities will dramatically reduce the cost of traveling into space making it more accessible to ordinary people and opening up a totally new holiday destination.

In terms of technology, the computer industry will be able to shrink computer parts down to minute sizes. We need nanotechnology in order to create

  • A. durable
  • B. straight
  • C. bent
  • D. unbreakable
标记 纠错





  • A. 393.9亿元
  • B. 396.7亿元
  • C. 383.9亿元
  • D. 385.7亿元
标记 纠错


  • A. 1.4万吨
  • B. 1.6万吨
  • C. 1.9万吨
  • D. 2.1万吨
标记 纠错


  • A. 10%
  • B. 近二成
  • C. 近三成
  • D. 40%
标记 纠错


  • A. 11万元
  • B. 12万元
  • C. 13万元
  • D. 14万元
标记 纠错


  • A. 2015该市粮食总产量,播种面积以及亩产产量均低于上年
  • B. 2014年该市设施农业实现收入约51.3亿元
  • C. 2015该市主要农副产品仅出栏生猪和禽蛋产品产量高于上年
  • D. 除林业外,该市其他各业发展均呈下降态势
标记 纠错






  • A. 59.1
  • B. 85.2
  • C. 51.9
  • D. 82.5
标记 纠错


  • A. 4.9亿元
  • B. 4.7亿元
  • C. 4.6亿元
  • D. 4.8亿元
标记 纠错


  • A. 技术收入
  • B. 产品销售收入
  • C. 商品销售收入
  • D. 其它收入
标记 纠错


  • A. 7倍
  • B. 8倍
  • C. 9倍
  • D. 10倍
标记 纠错


  • A. 经济发展潜力良好
  • B. 2014年新产品产值约为140亿元
  • C. 产品销售收入仍是收入的主要来源
  • D. 其它收入所占比重较小
标记 纠错

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