

卷面总分:130分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:130题 练习次数:121次
单选题 (共118题,共118分)

Which of the following strategies belongs to communication strategy?

  • A. When speaking English,the students can realize the mistakes and correct them
  • B. The students often talk about their own feelings about learning with classmates and teachers
  • C. The students communicate with others by using gestures and expressions
  • D. The students use reference books to get more information
标记 纠错

Which of the following words is made up of bound morphemes only?

  • A. happiness
  • B. television
  • C. ecology
  • D. teacher
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When a student said in class, “I goed there yesterday”. The teacher responded “say it again, please”. The response is an example of _____.

  • A. recast
  • B. modification
  • C. positive feedback
  • D. postponed feedback
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A teacher is teaching students to read a sentence, and using her arm to show which part should be read strongly and when should stop. What is the teacher teaching in this activity?

  • A. Stress of words
  • B. Pronunciations of syllabications
  • C. Intonations and rhythms
  • D. Pronunciations of each letter
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Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?

  • A. Did you get all the questions right in today's class?
  • B. Did you finish the task on time?
  • C. Can you use the strategies we have learned today?
  • D. What did you do in your group work today?
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Which of the following practices aims at skill training and pronunciation knowledge?

  • A. Odd one out
  • B. Tongue twister
  • C. Context practice
  • D. Reciting
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What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?

  • A. The text scripted and recorded in the studio
  • B. The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students
  • C. The text with local accents in pronunciation
  • D. The text with some difficult words for students
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Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?

  • A. Sentence-making
  • B. Cue-card dialogue
  • C. Simulated dialogue
  • D. Learning syntax
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In writing, which session is used to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideas related to the topic that come to their minds?

  • A. Proofreading
  • B. Revising
  • C. Brainstorming
  • D. Mapping
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When students learn "apple, orange", the teacher gives students another word "fruit".Which principle doe, s the teacher follow in his/her vocabulary teaching?

  • A. Word-choice principle
  • B. Presentation principle
  • C. Culture principle
  • D. Systematic principle
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In a pre-listening activity, students need to learn to cope with some ambiguity in listening and realize that they can still learn even when they do not understand every single word. The aim of this activity is to develop the skill of__________.

  • A. listening for specific information
  • B. listening for gist
  • C. listening for structure
  • D. listening for vocabulary
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______ you said is true, there are still other factors to be considered.

  • A. Supposed that what
  • B. Supposing what that
  • C. Granted that what
  • D. Considered what that
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According to Britain linguist F. Palmer, there are no real synonyms. Though“cast” and“throw” are considered synonyms, they are different in__________.

  • A. style
  • B. collocation
  • C. emotive meaning
  • D. regions where they are used
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A student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts and read to locate specific information when reading. Which of the following strategies can be used?

  • A. Skimming
  • B. Detailed reading
  • C. Scanning
  • D. Predicting
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Classroom language can also be called in-class language, which is the specially used language system by both teachers and students in classroom teaching. Which of the following is not consisted in it?

  • A. Spoken language
  • B. Body language
  • C. Spelling language
  • D. Written language
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To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?

  • A. After class
  • B. The moment error occurs
  • C. At the summary stage of the activity
  • D. During the course of the communication
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Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?

  • A. Guessing word meaning from context
  • B. Concluding the main idea
  • C. Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers
  • D. Rehearse the reading material
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Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?

  • A. Arbitrariness
  • B. Displacement
  • C. Duality
  • D. Diachronicity
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Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause?

  • A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time
  • B. He has to face the fact that there will, be no pay rise this year
  • C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning
  • D. It's sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days
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The conversational implication of "John is a machine" as a response to "What do you think of John" is context-bound. It possesses all the following distinguishing properties but _______ .

  • A. non-detachability
  • B. calculability
  • C. conventionality
  • D. defeasibility
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When learners come across new words, they are required to focus on_______

  • A. spelling
  • B. semantic features
  • C. form, meaning and use
  • D. word formation
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When a lady customer intends to buy a coat with white stripes, what is she supposed to_______place an emphasis on if she says to the shop assistant?

  • A. I'd like a red coat with white stripes
  • B. I'd like a red coat with white stripes
  • C. I'd like a red coat with white stripes
  • D. I'd like a red coat with white stripes
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Which of the following assumptions about vocabulary learning contradicts the modern language teaching theories?_______

  • A. The best way to learn words is to use them
  • B. The best way to learn vocabulary, is via rote-learning
  • C. An English dictionary is an important aid to students
  • D. Learning a word involves learning more than just the word itself
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To grasp the gist of a passage in a quick way, what may a reader focus on?

  • A. The transitional paragraphs
  • B. The whole passage
  • C. The topic sentences
  • D. Every sentence in the passage
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If a teacher starts with language examples and guides students to work out the rules, he/she is using the_______ method.

  • A. deductive
  • B. conducive
  • C. inductive
  • D. constructive
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Not a single word __________when he was forced to leave home and join the army in 1937.

  • A. did Mark leave
  • B. left Mark
  • C. did leave Mark
  • D. Mark left
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/k/is not fully pronounced in __________.

  • A. bicycle
  • B. park
  • C. picture
  • D. key
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Which of the following features is NOT exhibited by the deductive method?

  • A. It saves time
  • B. It pays more attention to form
  • C. It teaches grammar in a decontextualized way
  • D. It encourages students to work out the grammatical rules
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If a teacher gives commands in English and asks students to show understanding by action or gestures, he/she is most probably using__________.

  • A. Communicative Approach
  • B. Audio-lingual Approach
  • C. Grammar Translation Method
  • D. Total Physical Response
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I lost my wallet last week, but ___________ it didn′ t contain much money.

  • A. luckily
  • B. hopefully
  • C. gladly
  • D. normally
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The teacher__________ his lesson with pictures.

  • A. illustrated
  • B. explained
  • C. illustration
  • D. illuminated
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Which of the following statements about task-based language teaching is NOT true?

  • A. Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom
  • B. Students are task-driven
  • C. Task-based language teaching is student-centered
  • D. Task-based language teaching follows the PPP model
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When teaching__________, teachers should not only focus on words or grammar, but alsofoster the ability to understand the relationship between sound, grammar and lexis, as well as acapacity to infer and determine relationships between sentences.

  • A. listening
  • B. speaking
  • C. reading
  • D. writing
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When a teacher helps students deal with the information gap of real discourse, he/sheprobably aims at developing students′__________.

  • A. linguistic competence
  • B. strategic competence
  • C. discourse competence
  • D. fluency
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If you think they are__________,you′re totally wrong.They quarreled now and then.

  • A. on the way
  • B. on the air
  • C. on all sides
  • D. on good terms
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When pitch, stress and length variations are tied to the sentence rather than to the word,they are collectively known as ___________.

  • A. intonation
  • B. tone
  • C. phoneme
  • D. sentence stress
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_________are undertaken to determine the gap between the existing skills, knowledge and abilities and those that are needed to function at the desired level.

  • A. Learning assessment
  • B. Learning needs
  • C. Learning analysis
  • D. Teaching assessment
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The quality-oriented education requires to lighten students′load, so it is important to improve classroom instruction efficiency, which should be under the guarantee of teaching management, __________is the most significant way to classroom management.

  • A. Teaching process management
  • B. Classroom discipline management
  • C. Classroom environment management
  • D. Conduct management
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Despite being taken from very different sources, the results are remarkably__________.

  • A. consistent
  • B. constant
  • C. contradictory
  • D. controversial
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If a teacher asks " What does′corrective feedback′mean?",this type of question is called “__________” .

  • A. referential question
  • B. tag question
  • C. rhetorical question
  • D. display question
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Which of the Mlowing does a teacher want his/her students to develop if he/she guides them to take notes by using key words, abbreviations and symbols?

  • A. Cultural awareness
  • B. language awareness
  • C. Learning strategies
  • D. Language knowledge
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Teaching activities must be based on the students′ cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge ,thus, students′ personal knowledge, students′ life world and __________are also the im-portant curruclum resources except textbook.

  • A. game activities
  • B. labour activities
  • C. attitudes
  • D. direct experience
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What all these groups have in common is that they ask to be treated__________ respect and equality, __________race, religion or sex.

  • A. for ; as to
  • B. in ; in spite of
  • C. with ; because of
  • D. with ; regardless of
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The water could not flow freely because the pipe was__________.

  • A. blocked
  • B. trapped
  • C. loaded
  • D. struck
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Which of the following vowels is a rounded vowel?

  • A. [i:]
  • B. [u:]
  • C. [I]
  • D. [a:]
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The ultimate goal of English education is to develop students′ ability to communicate in English. There-fore, English education should be __________.

  • A. communication-focused
  • B. ability-oriented
  • C. knowledge-centered
  • D. speaking-oriented
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In which of the following activities does the teacher mainly play the role of a prompter?

  • A. Organizing the students to do activities by giving instruction
  • B. Changing the pace of the class by various means
  • C. Enlightening students to express their ideas
  • D. Introducing a new grammar point
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The Cognitive Approach holds that students′ mistakes are__________ in the creative use of language.

  • A. useful
  • B. understandable
  • C. unavoidable
  • D. reasonable
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Which of the following activities is best for training intensive reading?

  • A. Drawing a diagram to show the text structure
  • B. Giving the text an appropriate title
  • C. Transferring information from the text to a diagram
  • D. Summarizing the text
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Which of the following is not a goal of listening?

  • A. Understanding the intention of the speakers according to intonation and stress
  • B. Understanding conversations on familiar topics and extract information and idea
  • C. Understanding main ideas and new words with the help of the context
  • D. Understanding and reciting the stories at normal speed and grasping their causes and effects
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A teacher handed out a list of twenty "if" sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the gram-matical rules. What is the teacher′s grammar teaching method?

  • A. Deduction
  • B. Presentation
  • C. Consolidation
  • D. Induction
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The implication of Language Input Theorygives to foreign language teaching is that language teaching should firstly pay attention to_________.

  • A. a certain amount of language input
  • B. language sign
  • C. linguistic meaning
  • D. language use
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A student finds it difficult to learn the English sounds[θ]and[δ]. If you are the teacher,which of the following strategies can be used?

  • A. Explaining how to make the sounds
  • B. Using tongue twisters
  • C. Write them on the blackboard
  • D. Making up sentences
标记 纠错

From this material we can__________ hundreds of what you may call direct products.

  • A. derive
  • B. discern
  • C. diminish
  • D. displace
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The teacher felt his explanation of the grammar item was not__________ to all the students.

  • A. getting back
  • B. getting across
  • C. getting on
  • D. getting over
标记 纠错

Total Physical Response Method belongs to the comprehension approach which especially emphasizes on the understanding of__________. Teachers give instructions in foreign language and students need to use body movements to respond to the teachers.

  • A. listening
  • B. speaking
  • C. reading
  • D. writing
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Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?

  • A. Re-arranging the materials
  • B. Brainstorming the topic
  • C. Writing a summary of the text
  • D. Skimming
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When "-ing" in " gangling"is removed to get a verb " gangle ", we call this way of creating words__________.

  • A. suffixation
  • B. compounding
  • C. back-formation
  • D. acronymy
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Faced with the crisis, Monica looked pale, but quite __________.

  • A. scary
  • B. frightened
  • C. crazy
  • D. calm
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Which of the following about teaching assessment is inappropriate

  • A. Diagnostic assessment is a kind of test carded out after a teaching activity
  • B. Formative assessment should be student-oriented
  • C. Summative assessment is often carried out at the end of a term
  • D. Portfolios, daily reports, and delivering speeches are all formative assessment
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All things__________, the planned trip will have to be called off.

  • A. considered
  • B. be considered
  • C. considering
  • D. having considered
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We take our skin for granted until it is burned __________ repair.

  • A. beyond
  • B. for
  • C. without
  • D. under
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Don′t defend him anymore.It′s obvious that he__________destroyed the fence of the garden even without an apology.

  • A. accidentally
  • B. carelessly
  • C. deliberately
  • D. automatically
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When he picked up a large sum of money by accident,he battled with his__________whether he should keep it or return it to the owner.

  • A. consciousness
  • B. conscience
  • C. commitment
  • D. convenience
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The fuel gas,if__________some air,burns more rapidly.

  • A. involved in
  • B. connected with
  • C. mixed with
  • D. joined in
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He is holding a__________position in the company and expects to be promoted soon.

  • A. subordinate
  • B. succeeding
  • C. successive
  • D. subsequent
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We hope to become more__________in predicting earthquake.

  • A. absolute
  • B. steady
  • C. ideal
  • D. accurate
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They have launched a great__________to push the government to sentence the arrested terrorists to death since the last terrorist attack.

  • A. campaign
  • B. revolution
  • C. competition
  • D. advertisement
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There are different types of affixes or morphemes.The affix"-ed"in the word"learned"is known as a(n)__________.

  • A. derivational morpheme
  • B. free morpheme
  • C. inflectional morpheme
  • D. free form
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When he came in,he found that paper clips,drawing pins and safety-pins were__________all over the floor.

  • A. scattered
  • B. sprayed
  • C. dispersed
  • D. separated
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What the little boy got from his father was__________magazine.

  • A. a large interesting French
  • B. an interesting French large
  • C. a French large interesting
  • D. an interesting large French
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Morphemes that represent"tense","number","gender","case"and so forth?are called_________morphemes.

  • A. inflectional
  • B. free
  • C. bound
  • D. derivational
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I only know the man by__________but I have never spoken to him.

  • A. chance
  • B. heart
  • C. sight
  • D. experience
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To teach students writing effectively,teachers may guide students through the writing process as follows:


Which answer is in the correct order of writing process?

  • A. ①④③⑤⑥②
  • B. ④③⑤①⑥②
  • C. ④①⑤③⑥②
  • D. ③①④⑥⑤②
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Which of the following statements does NOT belong to learning strategy?

  • A. Enrich study by using audiovisual and network
  • B. Design inquiry-learning activities and adapt learning objectives as needed
  • C. Conduct self-assessment in learning and adapt learning objectives as needed
  • D. Work out stage learning objectives and ways to reach them
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The phoneme[n]in the first word of all the following phrases changes to[m]EXCEPT__________.

  • A. open book
  • B. open market
  • C. brown paper
  • D. brown hat
标记 纠错

Passage 1

Oprah Winfrey has come a long way from her poor childhood home in a small Mississippi town. She was an unwanted child whose parents never married. She was brought up on her grandmother′s farm. The possibil-ity that she would become rich and famous was slim.

Oprah′s mother left her child in her mother′s care, so she could go to work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a strict and difficult life for Oprah. But it also led the way for her future.

She was a highly intelligent child. By the age of three, she had learned to read and write. She also made her first public appearance at that age. Oprah′s intelligence was resented (憎恨) by other children of her age. They called her unkind names and pushed her away. Oprah felt very isolated and unwanted. It made her feel worse that she didn′t live with her mother and father. She felt that no one loved her. This made her angry and rebellious (叛逆的). These feelings brought her much trouble as she was growing up. She often behaved badly, causing her grandmother to punish her. By the age of seven, she was too much for her grandmother to discipline.

Then Oprah went to live with her mother, Vernita, who worked very hard as a housekeeper in Milwaukee. It was hard for her to work and take care of her bright, troublesome child. They lived in poverty in a small apartment. Oprah took out all her angry feelings on her mother. When Oprah was eight, Vernita sent her to live with her father and stepmother in Nashville, Tennessee.

But she moved again a few months later when Vernita married a man with two children. Vernita wanted Oprah to be with her and her new family. Unfortunately, she felt she didn′t belong with them. She believed she wasn′t loved by anyone. Her angry and frustration grew stronger. She struck back by misbehaving and running away from home. Her parents found her impossible to discipline. When she was 14,they tried to send her to a special center for troubled girls.

But there was n

  • A. she often felt abandoned and unwanted
  • B. she was unwilling to live with her grandmother
  • C. her grandmother often scolded and punished her
  • D. she couldn't develop good relationships with others
标记 纠错

Passage 1

Oprah Winfrey has come a long way from her poor childhood home in a small Mississippi town. She was an unwanted child whose parents never married. She was brought up on her grandmother′s farm. The possibil-ity that she would become rich and famous was slim.

Oprah′s mother left her child in her mother′s care, so she could go to work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a strict and difficult life for Oprah. But it also led the way for her future.

She was a highly intelligent child. By the age of three, she had learned to read and write. She also made her first public appearance at that age. Oprah′s intelligence was resented (憎恨) by other children of her age. They called her unkind names and pushed her away. Oprah felt very isolated and unwanted. It made her feel worse that she didn′t live with her mother and father. She felt that no one loved her. This made her angry and rebellious (叛逆的). These feelings brought her much trouble as she was growing up. She often behaved badly, causing her grandmother to punish her. By the age of seven, she was too much for her grandmother to discipline.

Then Oprah went to live with her mother, Vernita, who worked very hard as a housekeeper in Milwaukee. It was hard for her to work and take care of her bright, troublesome child. They lived in poverty in a small apartment. Oprah took out all her angry feelings on her mother. When Oprah was eight, Vernita sent her to live with her father and stepmother in Nashville, Tennessee.

But she moved again a few months later when Vernita married a man with two children. Vernita wanted Oprah to be with her and her new family. Unfortunately, she felt she didn′t belong with them. She believed she wasn′t loved by anyone. Her angry and frustration grew stronger. She struck back by misbehaving and running away from home. Her parents found her impossible to discipline. When she was 14,they tried to send her to a special center for troubled girls.

But there was n

  • A. She took good care of little Oprah
  • B. She was very strict with little Oprah
  • C. She failed to discipline Oprah for her misbehavior
  • D. She married again and had another two children
标记 纠错

Passage 1

Oprah Winfrey has come a long way from her poor childhood home in a small Mississippi town. She was an unwanted child whose parents never married. She was brought up on her grandmother′s farm. The possibil-ity that she would become rich and famous was slim.

Oprah′s mother left her child in her mother′s care, so she could go to work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a strict and difficult life for Oprah. But it also led the way for her future.

She was a highly intelligent child. By the age of three, she had learned to read and write. She also made her first public appearance at that age. Oprah′s intelligence was resented (憎恨) by other children of her age. They called her unkind names and pushed her away. Oprah felt very isolated and unwanted. It made her feel worse that she didn′t live with her mother and father. She felt that no one loved her. This made her angry and rebellious (叛逆的). These feelings brought her much trouble as she was growing up. She often behaved badly, causing her grandmother to punish her. By the age of seven, she was too much for her grandmother to discipline.

Then Oprah went to live with her mother, Vernita, who worked very hard as a housekeeper in Milwaukee. It was hard for her to work and take care of her bright, troublesome child. They lived in poverty in a small apartment. Oprah took out all her angry feelings on her mother. When Oprah was eight, Vernita sent her to live with her father and stepmother in Nashville, Tennessee.

But she moved again a few months later when Vernita married a man with two children. Vernita wanted Oprah to be with her and her new family. Unfortunately, she felt she didn′t belong with them. She believed she wasn′t loved by anyone. Her angry and frustration grew stronger. She struck back by misbehaving and running away from home. Her parents found her impossible to discipline. When she was 14,they tried to send her to a special center for troubled girls.

But there was n

  • A. Oprah fitted in well with her mother's new family
  • B. Oprah never experienced parental love she deserved
  • C. Oprah's father devoted all his energies to educating her
  • D. Oprah's father played an important role in her growth
标记 纠错

Passage 1

Oprah Winfrey has come a long way from her poor childhood home in a small Mississippi town. She was an unwanted child whose parents never married. She was brought up on her grandmother′s farm. The possibil-ity that she would become rich and famous was slim.

Oprah′s mother left her child in her mother′s care, so she could go to work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a strict and difficult life for Oprah. But it also led the way for her future.

She was a highly intelligent child. By the age of three, she had learned to read and write. She also made her first public appearance at that age. Oprah′s intelligence was resented (憎恨) by other children of her age. They called her unkind names and pushed her away. Oprah felt very isolated and unwanted. It made her feel worse that she didn′t live with her mother and father. She felt that no one loved her. This made her angry and rebellious (叛逆的). These feelings brought her much trouble as she was growing up. She often behaved badly, causing her grandmother to punish her. By the age of seven, she was too much for her grandmother to discipline.

Then Oprah went to live with her mother, Vernita, who worked very hard as a housekeeper in Milwaukee. It was hard for her to work and take care of her bright, troublesome child. They lived in poverty in a small apartment. Oprah took out all her angry feelings on her mother. When Oprah was eight, Vernita sent her to live with her father and stepmother in Nashville, Tennessee.

But she moved again a few months later when Vernita married a man with two children. Vernita wanted Oprah to be with her and her new family. Unfortunately, she felt she didn′t belong with them. She believed she wasn′t loved by anyone. Her angry and frustration grew stronger. She struck back by misbehaving and running away from home. Her parents found her impossible to discipline. When she was 14,they tried to send her to a special center for troubled girls.

But there was n

  • A. The confidence from a contest's success
  • B. The suggestion of station managers
  • C. The guidance of Vernon Winfrey
  • D. The influence of Barbara Waiters
标记 纠错

Passage 1

Oprah Winfrey has come a long way from her poor childhood home in a small Mississippi town. She was an unwanted child whose parents never married. She was brought up on her grandmother′s farm. The possibil-ity that she would become rich and famous was slim.

Oprah′s mother left her child in her mother′s care, so she could go to work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a strict and difficult life for Oprah. But it also led the way for her future.

She was a highly intelligent child. By the age of three, she had learned to read and write. She also made her first public appearance at that age. Oprah′s intelligence was resented (憎恨) by other children of her age. They called her unkind names and pushed her away. Oprah felt very isolated and unwanted. It made her feel worse that she didn′t live with her mother and father. She felt that no one loved her. This made her angry and rebellious (叛逆的). These feelings brought her much trouble as she was growing up. She often behaved badly, causing her grandmother to punish her. By the age of seven, she was too much for her grandmother to discipline.

Then Oprah went to live with her mother, Vernita, who worked very hard as a housekeeper in Milwaukee. It was hard for her to work and take care of her bright, troublesome child. They lived in poverty in a small apartment. Oprah took out all her angry feelings on her mother. When Oprah was eight, Vernita sent her to live with her father and stepmother in Nashville, Tennessee.

But she moved again a few months later when Vernita married a man with two children. Vernita wanted Oprah to be with her and her new family. Unfortunately, she felt she didn′t belong with them. She believed she wasn′t loved by anyone. Her angry and frustration grew stronger. She struck back by misbehaving and running away from home. Her parents found her impossible to discipline. When she was 14,they tried to send her to a special center for troubled girls.

But there was n

  • A. Oprah disliked telling stories in an affectionate way
  • B. Broadcasting news couldn't fully bring out her potential talent
  • C. It was necessary to tell stories in a voice full of emotion then
  • D. Everyone was equal and had the freedom to express his emotions
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Passage 2

Environmental activists in South Korea are condemning a government plan to hunt endangered whales for scientific research. They believe the plan is part of an effort to re-start commercial whaling activities. Such ac-tivities are banned in many countries. South Korea announced the proposal in July at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Panama. The head of the South Korean delegation said the plan was needed to answer questions about minke whale populations. He said the hunt would take place near the South Korean coast. But he did not say how many of the animals would be caught.

The International Whaling Commission has yet to malre a decision on the South Korean plan. The organi-zation banned commercial whaling in 1986 because of concerns about the survival of whale species. But now, some South Korean fishermen say they are facing a threat from minke whales. They say these animals are eat-ing what would have been their catch.

The plan was immediately condemned by anti-whaling nations. Wildlife activists also criticized the pro-posal. Han Jeong-hee works in Seoul for the environmental group Greenpeace. "It′s really regretful to hear that Korean government is, like, considering conducting scientific whaling. Scientific whaling is just, like,thinly-disguised commercial whaling. And, you know, we are of course against all commercial whaling. Japan′s the only country which is doing scientific whaling at the moment and Korea is just trying to follow that. "

Apart from the plan in South Korea, an aquarium (水族馆) in the American state of Georgia also wants to import eighteen beluga whales from Russia. The United States currently has 31 beluga whales. They are liv-ing in six aquariums and marine parks. Four of them are at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

The Georgia Aquarium has asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for permission to import the beluga whales. If it was approved, aquarium off

  • A. Approving
  • B. Negative
  • C. Doubtful
  • D. Neutral
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Passage 2

Environmental activists in South Korea are condemning a government plan to hunt endangered whales for scientific research. They believe the plan is part of an effort to re-start commercial whaling activities. Such ac-tivities are banned in many countries. South Korea announced the proposal in July at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Panama. The head of the South Korean delegation said the plan was needed to answer questions about minke whale populations. He said the hunt would take place near the South Korean coast. But he did not say how many of the animals would be caught.

The International Whaling Commission has yet to malre a decision on the South Korean plan. The organi-zation banned commercial whaling in 1986 because of concerns about the survival of whale species. But now, some South Korean fishermen say they are facing a threat from minke whales. They say these animals are eat-ing what would have been their catch.

The plan was immediately condemned by anti-whaling nations. Wildlife activists also criticized the pro-posal. Han Jeong-hee works in Seoul for the environmental group Greenpeace. "It′s really regretful to hear that Korean government is, like, considering conducting scientific whaling. Scientific whaling is just, like,thinly-disguised commercial whaling. And, you know, we are of course against all commercial whaling. Japan′s the only country which is doing scientific whaling at the moment and Korea is just trying to follow that. "

Apart from the plan in South Korea, an aquarium (水族馆) in the American state of Georgia also wants to import eighteen beluga whales from Russia. The United States currently has 31 beluga whales. They are liv-ing in six aquariums and marine parks. Four of them are at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

The Georgia Aquarium has asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for permission to import the beluga whales. If it was approved, aquarium off

  • A. commercial whaling is legal in the USA
  • B. whaling for limited scientific research is permitted
  • C. Georgia isn't a suitable place for beluga whales to live in
  • D. the Georgia Aquarium's request hasn't been approved so far
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Passage 2

Environmental activists in South Korea are condemning a government plan to hunt endangered whales for scientific research. They believe the plan is part of an effort to re-start commercial whaling activities. Such ac-tivities are banned in many countries. South Korea announced the proposal in July at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Panama. The head of the South Korean delegation said the plan was needed to answer questions about minke whale populations. He said the hunt would take place near the South Korean coast. But he did not say how many of the animals would be caught.

The International Whaling Commission has yet to malre a decision on the South Korean plan. The organi-zation banned commercial whaling in 1986 because of concerns about the survival of whale species. But now, some South Korean fishermen say they are facing a threat from minke whales. They say these animals are eat-ing what would have been their catch.

The plan was immediately condemned by anti-whaling nations. Wildlife activists also criticized the pro-posal. Han Jeong-hee works in Seoul for the environmental group Greenpeace. "It′s really regretful to hear that Korean government is, like, considering conducting scientific whaling. Scientific whaling is just, like,thinly-disguised commercial whaling. And, you know, we are of course against all commercial whaling. Japan′s the only country which is doing scientific whaling at the moment and Korea is just trying to follow that. "

Apart from the plan in South Korea, an aquarium (水族馆) in the American state of Georgia also wants to import eighteen beluga whales from Russia. The United States currently has 31 beluga whales. They are liv-ing in six aquariums and marine parks. Four of them are at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

The Georgia Aquarium has asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for permission to import the beluga whales. If it was approved, aquarium off

  • A. Should whales be hunted or watched?
  • B. Should commercial whaling be banned?
  • C. Are whales safer in research institutions?
  • D. Are whales to blame for fishermen's loss?
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Passage 2

Environmental activists in South Korea are condemning a government plan to hunt endangered whales for scientific research. They believe the plan is part of an effort to re-start commercial whaling activities. Such ac-tivities are banned in many countries. South Korea announced the proposal in July at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Panama. The head of the South Korean delegation said the plan was needed to answer questions about minke whale populations. He said the hunt would take place near the South Korean coast. But he did not say how many of the animals would be caught.

The International Whaling Commission has yet to malre a decision on the South Korean plan. The organi-zation banned commercial whaling in 1986 because of concerns about the survival of whale species. But now, some South Korean fishermen say they are facing a threat from minke whales. They say these animals are eat-ing what would have been their catch.

The plan was immediately condemned by anti-whaling nations. Wildlife activists also criticized the pro-posal. Han Jeong-hee works in Seoul for the environmental group Greenpeace. "It′s really regretful to hear that Korean government is, like, considering conducting scientific whaling. Scientific whaling is just, like,thinly-disguised commercial whaling. And, you know, we are of course against all commercial whaling. Japan′s the only country which is doing scientific whaling at the moment and Korea is just trying to follow that. "

Apart from the plan in South Korea, an aquarium (水族馆) in the American state of Georgia also wants to import eighteen beluga whales from Russia. The United States currently has 31 beluga whales. They are liv-ing in six aquariums and marine parks. Four of them are at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

The Georgia Aquarium has asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for permission to import the beluga whales. If it was approved, aquarium off

  • A. The United States
  • B. South Korea
  • C. Japan
  • D. RussiaJ
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Passage 2

Environmental activists in South Korea are condemning a government plan to hunt endangered whales for scientific research. They believe the plan is part of an effort to re-start commercial whaling activities. Such ac-tivities are banned in many countries. South Korea announced the proposal in July at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Panama. The head of the South Korean delegation said the plan was needed to answer questions about minke whale populations. He said the hunt would take place near the South Korean coast. But he did not say how many of the animals would be caught.

The International Whaling Commission has yet to malre a decision on the South Korean plan. The organi-zation banned commercial whaling in 1986 because of concerns about the survival of whale species. But now, some South Korean fishermen say they are facing a threat from minke whales. They say these animals are eat-ing what would have been their catch.

The plan was immediately condemned by anti-whaling nations. Wildlife activists also criticized the pro-posal. Han Jeong-hee works in Seoul for the environmental group Greenpeace. "It′s really regretful to hear that Korean government is, like, considering conducting scientific whaling. Scientific whaling is just, like,thinly-disguised commercial whaling. And, you know, we are of course against all commercial whaling. Japan′s the only country which is doing scientific whaling at the moment and Korea is just trying to follow that. "

Apart from the plan in South Korea, an aquarium (水族馆) in the American state of Georgia also wants to import eighteen beluga whales from Russia. The United States currently has 31 beluga whales. They are liv-ing in six aquariums and marine parks. Four of them are at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

The Georgia Aquarium has asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for permission to import the beluga whales. If it was approved, aquarium off

  • A. beluga whales aren't properly cared for in Russia
  • B. there aren't enough whales in the state of Georgia
  • C. beluga whales can provide many economic benefits
  • D. it wants to achieve research and educational purposes
标记 纠错

In which of the following activities does the teacher mainly play the role of a Controller?

  • A. Organizing the students to do activities by giving instruction
  • B. Changing the pace of the class by various means
  • C. Correcting mistakes and organizing feedback
  • D. Introducing a new grammar point
标记 纠错

How many consonant clusters exist in the sentence "The story was splashed across the frontpage of the newspaper"

  • A. 2
  • B. 3
  • C. 4
  • D. 5
标记 纠错

Nowadays, there are many teenagers addicted to the Interact, __________waste a lot of timeon it.

  • A. who
  • B. which
  • C. as
  • D. that
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During the coming summer vacation, I′m going to spend half of my time playing basketball and_________ half reading books in the library.

  • A. another
  • B. the other
  • C. others
  • D. other
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_________first proposed the Speech Act Theory.

  • A. Searle
  • B. Austin
  • C. Grice
  • D. Halliday
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The number of children being home educated__________in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years.

  • A. being recorded
  • B. to be recorded
  • C. recorded
  • D. recording
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___________is mainly based on formal testing, and the judgment about the learner′s performance is used for administrative purpose, e. g. checking standards and targets.

  • A. Formative assessment
  • B. Summative assessment
  • C. A portfolio
  • D. A quiz
标记 纠错

Which of the following types of questions can least elicit students' ideas?

  • A. Display questions
  • B. Divergent questions
  • C. Open questions
  • D. Evaluation questions
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Chomsky believes that a grammar must _______all the grammatical sentences in a language.

  • A. make
  • B. use
  • C. generate
  • D. understand
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Don't defend him anymore. It's obvious that he_______destroyed the fence of the garden even without an apology.

  • A. accidentally
  • B. carelessly
  • C. deliberately
  • D. automatically
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__________ stage for teaching writing includes discussion or debate on relevant topic, picture telling, free talk, reading short passages, and audio-visual activities. Three points should be considered:the reader, writing form and writing logic.

  • A. Pre-writing
  • B. While-writing
  • C. Post-writing
  • D. Intensive-writing
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What's the purpose of practicing minimal pairs?

  • A. Tomake students figure out the rules of word formation
  • B. Tomake students pay attention to the different meaning of a pair of words
  • C. Tomake students identify and distinguish sounds
  • D. Tohelp students relate the meaning of a word to its form
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--Morn, I've been studying English since 8 o'clock.________I get out and play with Tom for a while?

--No, I'm afraid not. Besides, it's raining outside now.

  • A. Wouldn't
  • B. Can't
  • C. May not
  • D. Won't
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Typhoons bring a downpour, which is sometimes a delight________ there is a water shortage.

  • A. that
  • B. which
  • C. when
  • D. why
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Teachers can apply all of the following methods to teaching stress except________.

  • A. indicating the stress by clapping hands
  • B. raising the voice to indicate stress
  • C. highlighting the stress parts by underlying them
  • D. relying on detailed explanations
标记 纠错

My conclusion is________on the facts and logical reasoning.

  • A. depended
  • B. relied
  • C. based
  • D. sat
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When you do something that violates your own values and principles, you create a gap between your standards and your actual________.

  • A. approach
  • B. behavior
  • C. thought
  • D. purpose
标记 纠错

When students engaged in group work, the teacher gave feedback after each group had stated their opinion and shown their result. This is called________.

  • A. instructing
  • B. observing
  • C. monitoring
  • D. evaluating
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If a teacher wants to organize retelling exercises in class, he/she had better direct the students to work at________.

  • A. whole class level
  • B. grouplevel
  • C. pairlevel
  • D. individual level
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Please remain________; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

  • A. seating
  • B. seated
  • C. to seat
  • D. to be seated
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The function of the sentence"A nice day,isn't it?"is_______.

  • A. informative
  • B. phatic
  • C. directive
  • D. performative
标记 纠错

Which of the following patterns does not belong to subjective test?

  • A. Written expression
  • B. Oral test
  • C. Translation
  • D. Cloze
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There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focus on the form and accuracy?

  • A. Controlled activities
  • B. Semi-controlled activities
  • C. Communicative activities
  • D. Problem-solving activities
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When__________is produced, complete closure of the articulators is involved so that the air stream cannot escape through the mouth.

  • A. fricative
  • B. stop
  • C. affricate
  • D. lateral
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Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?

  • A. Slapand shatter
  • B. Prideand prejudice
  • C. Knockand kick
  • D. Philosophy and psychology
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Beyond the frontier,________ from the northern hills to the southern coast,________ very real dangers.

  • A. ranged; lie
  • B. ranging; lay
  • C. ranging; lying
  • D. ranged; laid
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__________ tnethod of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal.

  • A. Form-oriented
  • B. Product-oriented
  • C. Content-oriented
  • D. Process-oriented
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An illocutionary act is identical with___________.

  • A. sentence meaning
  • B. the speaker's intention
  • C. language understanding
  • D. the speaker's competence
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What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage?

  • A. Makedecisions on the purpose,the audience,the contents,and the outline of thewriting
  • B. Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details likecorrecting spelling,punctuation,and grammar until later
  • C. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/her writing andfocus on the flaws likely to appear in their drafts
  • D. Sharehis/her writing with others
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--Don't you remember my name?

--I'm really sorry. Your name________from my mind.

  • A. escapes
  • B. escaped
  • C. willescape
  • D. hasescaped
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________is known to us all that the old scientist, for________life was hard in the past, still works hard in his eighties.

  • A. As; whose
  • B. It; whose
  • C. As; whom
  • D. It; whom
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It was just at the moment________ he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.

  • A. since
  • B. which
  • C. because
  • D. that
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问答题 (共12题,共12分)


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T:What did you have for breakfast this morning?

S:I have a bottle of milk,an egg and two cakes.?

T.. Oh, you should say "I had a bottle of milk..." Read after me, please.?


T:What did you do yesterday?

S:I go to see a friend of mine yesterday.?

T: Oh, yes. You went to see a friend of yours yesterday.?





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Teaching objectives?

Teaching contents?

Key and difficult points?

Major steps and time allocation?

Activities and justifications?




The Ancient Olympic Games?

The original Olympic Games were part of an important religious festival to honor the Greek gods, es-pecially Zeus. They were held in a valley in Olympia every four years and men from all the Greek city states attended. Women did not compete in the games or even attend. The first record of the Olympic Games dates from 778 BC, but they were probably established hundreds of years before that.?

At first there was only one competition in the games--a 200m foot race. The distance was based on a myth about the hero Hercules who was said to have run this distance in one breath. At later other Olympic events were introduced, including a 365 meter and a 5 kilometer race, boxing and wreathing, chariot races and the pentathlon jumping, running, javelin, discus and wrestling.?

Athletes came to Olympia to train full-time for 10 months. As they were allowed to compete, they were examined by a committee of 10 men to make sure they were of good character and physically fit. All wars between cities had to stop for the five days of the games.?

The prize for the winners was a crown made from an olive tree branch, cut with a gold handled knife from a scared tree. The olive branch was believed to give the athlete great strength and health. The winner gave public thanks to Zeus and to his city or district. Winners were believed to have gained the favor of the gods.

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Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Analyze the task

Ask students to analyze the requirements of the exercise.

Step 2 Brainstorming and mapping

( 1 ) Four students in a group. Ask students to review the content about difficulties and solutions in study in Section A and Section B.

(2) Ask students to do a survey about the following questions and then give some advice.

①How often do you exercise?

②How often do you eat vegetables?

③How often do you eat fruit?

④How many hours do you sleep every night?

⑤How often do you drink milk?

⑥How often do you eat junk food?

⑦How often do you drink coffee?

Step 3 Drafting

( 1 ) Instruct the format and structure of a letter.

(2) Ask students to draft their letters independently.

Step 4 Revising and proofreading

(1) Ask students to work in groups and revise their letters.





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teaching objectivesteaching contents

key and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocation

activities and justifications




A Master of Nonverbal Humour

As Victor Hugo once said,"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face",and up to?now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.He brightened the lives of Americans?and British through two world wars and the hard years in between.He made people laugh at a time when?they felt depressed,so they could feel more content with their lives.

Not that Charlie′s own life was easy!He was born in a poor family in 1889.His parents were both?poor music hall performers.You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he?could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.Such training was common in acting families at this?time,especially when the family income was often uncertain.Unfortunately his father died,leaving the?family even worse off,so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.By his?teens,Charlie had,through his humour,become one of the most popular child actors in England.He could?mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks.No one was ever bored watching him--his subtle?acting made everything entertaining.

As time went by,he began making films.He grew more and more popular as his charming character,the little tramp,became known throughout the world.The tramp,a poor,homeless man with a moustache,wore large trousers,worn-out shoes and a small round black hat.He walked around stiffly carrying a walk-ing stick.This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome?all difficulties.He was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him.

How did the little tramp make a sad situat

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下面是某英语教师在阅读课English Around the World的教学片段。

T: Now, you will have 5 minutes to read the passage for the first time, and then I want you to tell me the different ideas in each paragraph, and then you need to answer the questions on the blackboard.

(1) Why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries?

(2) Do you know the background of Shakespeare?

(3) Why can Indian people speak fluent English?

You can read the passage now!





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以下是一位教师对NSEFC Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—A Modem Hero阅读课的目标陈述。


(2)语言知识目标:重点词汇和短语有violence,guidance,attack,vote,equal,hopeful,out of work。





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● teaching objectives

● teaching contents

● key and difficult points

● major steps and time allocation

● activities and justifications




Who am I?

Over time I have been changed quite a lot. I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. After I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes, i could "think" logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. At that time, it was considered a technological revolution and the start of my "artificial intelligence" . In 1936 my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how !

could be made to work as a "universal machine" to solve any difficult mathematical problem. From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room, and ! wondered if I would grow any larger. However, this reality also worried my designers. As time went by, I was made smaller. First as a PC (personal computer) and then as a laptop, ! have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.

These changes only became possible as my memory improved. First it was stored in tubes,then on transistors and later on very small chips. As a result, I totally changed my shape. As I have grown older I have also grown smaller. Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! And my memory became so large that even I couldn't believe it! But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network. I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.

Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. I have become very important in communication, finance and trade. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars. Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. I am now truly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race!

标记 纠错


·teaching objectives

·teaching contents

·key and difficult points

·major steps and time allocation

·activities and justifications




Your school is recently starting a new column in the school English newspaper to talk about good habits for leaning English.Here is the first article published in the column.

Good learning habits

It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.As we all know,good learning habits can make your study go to succeed.As a student,we should pay more attention to our habits which we develop in our study.

I'm sure“repeat”is the best habit.Do you develop the habit?If we want to improve our study,we should repeat what the teachers taught US again and again,and then we can understand or remember the knowledge which the teachers demand US to master.How to develop the habit?The first step,set a timetable,and stick to the plan,don’t stop.

When I do my homework.I often make mistakes with carelessness.How to overcome the shortage?I think I should think about it over and over as long as I do my homework.And then I do it little by little.Maybe in this way I can correct my mistakes.Please write an article about English learning habits basing on your own learning experience

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答题卡(剩余 道题)

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