

卷面总分:57分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:57题 练习次数:90次
单选题 (共57题,共57分)

—How is your life in thecountryside?   

 —It is _______ butsometimes I feel a bit _______.

  • A. interesting; boring
  • B. interesting; bored
  • C. interested; bored
  • D. interested; boring;
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—When I watched theChina's 70th Anniversary celebration on Oct. 1st, I was so  ________.   

—So was I. It was really ________.

  • A. excite;exciting
  • B. exciting; excited
  • C. excited; exciting
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—Why are you so happy,Mr. Wang?    

—Because the movie yesterdayevening was so _______ and it made me ________.

  • A. moving; moving
  • B. moving; moved
  • C. moved; moving
  • D. moved
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Jenny’s parents werecompletely__________ when they saw the_______ changes in her.

  • A. surprising; amazing
  • B. surprised; amazing
  • C. surprising; amazed
  • D. surprised; amazed
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The little girl wrotea________diary last night.

  • A. two-hundreds-word
  • B. two-hundreds-words
  • C. two-hundred-word
  • D. two-hundred-words
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Last year, three hundredEnglish teachers took part in the _______ English Training.

  • A. two-month
  • B. two-months
  • C. two months
  • D. two month
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What a________ boy! Heworked out such a difficult math problem.

  • A. strong
  • B. kind
  • C. lazy
  • D. clever
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—Can I keep the book alittle ___________? I haven't finished reading it yet.   

—Sorry. You have to return it on time.

  • A. shorter
  • B. bigger
  • C. longer
  • D. smaller
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Our teacher often warnsus it’s ______ to leave much personal information on the Internet.

  • A. interesting
  • B. exciting
  • C. difficult
  • D. dangerous
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—I always feel ________when speaking in front of others.    

—Take it easy and be brave.

  • A. surprised
  • B. nervous
  • C. interested
  • D. different
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No one is ________. Thekey is to learn from mistakes and never stop.

  • A. careful
  • B. generous
  • C. famous
  • D. perfect
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It is ________ to say“thank you” very often, even to family members.

  • A. polite
  • B. rude
  • C. dangerous
  • D. humorous
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—It's ________today.Let's go to the beach.     

—Sounds great!Don't forget your sunglasses.

  • A. rainy
  • B. windy
  • C. sunny
  • D. cloudy
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—What's the weather likein Wuhan?    

—It's warm and ________ justright for flying kites.

  • A. snowy
  • B. rainy
  • C. cold
  • D. windy
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It is ______ for him to get to school on time, because it is raining ______.

  • A. hard ; hardly
  • B. hardly; hard
  • C. hard; hard
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Don’t go out now, it’s raining ________.

  • A. clearly
  • B. heavily
  • C. quickly
  • D. silently
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A very __________snowstorm attacked my hometown on April 20th, 2020.

  • A. heavy
  • B. heavily
  • C. heavier
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David is crazy aboutChinese history. He _______ visits the museums first wherever he travels inChina.

  • A. never
  • B. seldom
  • C. sometimes
  • D. always
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—Is the weather stillhot and dry these days?   

— Yes. It will___________ rain this week.

  • A. hardly
  • B. actually
  • C. mostly
  • D. recently
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—How often do you go tothe cinema?   

—________. I only watchmovies at home.

  • A. Always
  • B. Usually
  • C. Sometimes
  • D. Never
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—Does your sister spend her money ________?    

—Yes, of course. She knows what to buy and what not to buy.

  • A. quickly
  • B. wisely
  • C. badly
  • D. simply
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—What’s the best movie theater in town?    

—Sun Cinema. You can sit the most ________ there.

  • A. widely
  • B. quietly
  • C. cheaply
  • D. comfortably
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Kelly White loves all sports, __________skating.

  • A. gradually
  • B. seriously
  • C. especially
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—What time is it now?    

—I can’t tell you the time________, but I know it’s too late.

  • A. exactly
  • B. suddenly
  • C. politely
  • D. wisely
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Li Lei didn't play computer games last weekend. ________, he worked as a volunteer in an old people's home.

  • A. Instead
  • B. Certainly
  • C. Though
  • D. Gradually
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A small town in Norway doesn’t get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March — ________ six months out of the year.

  • A. only
  • B. loudly
  • C. hardly
  • D. nearly
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—Our Party’s 100th birthday is coming.   

 —Oh, great! We will have many activities to ________ celebrate it.

  • A. wisely
  • B. warmly
  • C. simply
  • D. lovely
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Because people can find information on the Internet, knowledge spreads ________.

  • A. quickly
  • B. loudly
  • C. hardly
  • D. nearly
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—What’s the article about, David?   

—It’s about some tricks on how to save and spend money ______.

  • A. cheaply
  • B. kindly
  • C. wisely
  • D. comfortably
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The old man lives___________ , but he doesn't feel ________.

  • A. lonely; alone
  • B. alone; lonely
  • C. alone; alone
  • D. lonely; lonely
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When you feel helpless and ________, just remember you are not ________ in the world because yourfriends are around you.

  • A. lonely; alone
  • B. alone; lonely
  • C. loney; lonely
  • D. alone; alone
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The coat is nice, but it’s not ________.

  • A. enough cheap
  • B. cheap enough
  • C. enough expensive
  • D. expensive enough
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—How do you like his speech?   

—I think it’s ________, but some people think it’s so ________.

  • A. wonderful enough, bored
  • B. enough wonderful,boring
  • C. wonderful enough,boring
  • D. enough wonderful,bored
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Amanda read the article_______,and found something important in it.

  • A. enough careful
  • B. carefully enough
  • C. enough carefully
  • D. careful enough
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—Li, your homework isn’t_________. What’s wrong?   

—I’m sorry,Mr. Wu. I have tried my best, but I don’t have _________.

  • A. tidy enough; time enough
  • B. enough tidy; enough time
  • C. tidy enough; enough time
  • D. enough tidy; time enough
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It’s important to ask questions _______, but it’s more important to be _______.

  • A. correctly; polite
  • B. correct; politely
  • C. correctly; politely
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Our headteacher is______ enough about our study, and she takes everything ______.

  • A. serious; seriously
  • B. seriously; serious
  • C. serious; serious
  • D. seriously; seriously
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The fish you bought yesterday smells ________. You’d better throw it away.

  • A. good
  • B. bad
  • C. well
  • D. badly
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—Tom, please have some fish.    

—Thanks. It tastes________. I want more.

  • A. well
  • B. awful
  • C. good
  • D. terribly
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Your idea of a day on the beach sounds ________. Can I  join you?

  • A. lovely
  • B. softly
  • C. politely
  • D. beautifully
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—Mom, may I drink the milk on the table?   

—No, you can’t. It smells_________ . It has gone bad.

  • A. good
  • B. well
  • C. terribly
  • D. terrible
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When we see the big changes taking place in our city, we ________ its fast development.

  • A. are thirsty for
  • B. are strict with
  • C. are proud of
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— Jenny was ________talent of being a singer.   

— You’re right. She sang well when she was a little girl.

  • A. born with
  • B. thirsty for
  • C. satisfied with
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—China is ________ the one that it was 70 years ago.   

—Sure!Our country’s development becomes a focus of world

  • A. interested in
  • B. known for
  • C. different from
  • D. similar to
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—Let’s divide the rubbish into different kinds before throwing it away.    

—OK. It’s ___________ us to use some of it again.

  • A. thankful to
  • B. good for
  • C. similar to
  • D. painful for
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—My father thinks using mobile phones is a waste of time. Besides, it’s ________ my mind and body.    

—So does my father. He refuses to let me have a phone of my own.

  • A. good for
  • B. helpful to
  • C. harmful to
  • D. interested in
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—Mom, I won the first prize in the English speech contest.   

—Fantastic. I am really ________ you!

  • A. interested in
  • B. afraid of
  • C. serious about
  • D. proud of
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As students, we should____________ourselves. We can’t  spend much time playing computer games.

  • A. be responsible for
  • B. be proud of
  • C. be popular with
  • D. be thankful to
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The land is________rain,because it hasn't rained for several months.

  • A. known for
  • B. useful to
  • C. harmful to
  • D. thirsty for
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There is no need to push the kids too hard.______, you hate to see them stressed out.

  • A. After all
  • B. First of all
  • C. In all
  • D. Above all
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—Sorry, Johnny, I failed in the physics exam.    

—Never mind!________the exam is not so easy.

  • A. All year round
  • B. First of all
  • C. After all
  • D. All of a sudden
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We should speak________when we meet someone for the first time.

  • A. as polite as possible
  • B. as polite as possibly
  • C. as politely as possible
  • D. as politely as possibly
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You can only borrow two books ____________ if you don’t have a library card.

  • A. on time
  • B. in time
  • C. from time to time
  • D. at a time
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—Jane, I'm late for your party _______ an accident. I'm sorry.   

—It doesn't matter. Enjoy yourself here.

  • A. ahead of
  • B. instead of
  • C. because of
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It is ________ hot today. We'd better stay at home.

  • A. too many
  • B. too much
  • C. much too
  • D. very much
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Too much fast food is bad for us. We should only have it _____.

  • A. all the time
  • B. from now on
  • C. at the moment
  • D. once in a while
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— Good news? You’ve passed the PE test.     

— Hooray! ______,I was worried about it.

  • A. By accident
  • B. To be honest
  • C. As a result
  • D. In my opinion
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