

卷面总分:40分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:40题 练习次数:90次
单选题 (共40题,共40分)

We have spent _____money on English books .

  • A. a great deal of
  • B. a good many
  • C. a plenty of
  • D. a number of
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_______met, it won`t be easily forgotten.

  • A. If only
  • B. When if
  • C. Once
  • D. Once you were
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The differences_____ these two pictures _____ colour are easy to see.

  • A. in, of
  • B. from, of
  • C. between ,in
  • D. of ,in
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You should put_____ “s” at the end of this word.

  • A. a
  • B. /
  • C. an
  • D. the
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     What`s ______population of China ?

     China has_____ population of 1.3 billion.

  • A. a; the
  • B. the; a
  • C. /;/
  • D. the; the
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It`s _______here. We can`t work long hours here.

  • A. very muchcold
  • B. much cold
  • C. much too cold
  • D. too much cold
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_______terrible weather we`ve been having these days!

  • A. How a
  • B. What a
  • C. How
  • D. What
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     Have you decided when_____?

     Yes, tomorrow morning.

  • A. will you leave
  • B. to be leaving
  • C. are you leaving
  • D. to leave
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The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people.

  • A. call
  • B. calling
  • C. called
  • D. to call
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Train services are now back to______after three days of typhoon.

  • A. usual
  • B. common
  • C. ordinary
  • D. normal
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He is the best ____English in our class.

  • A. at
  • B. in
  • C. for
  • D. to
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The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him ____the head.

  • A. in the
  • B. on his
  • C. on the
  • D. in his
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Did John hit Bob _____eye ?

  • A. in the
  • B. on the
  • C. in his
  • D. on his
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There is ____ interesting ____today`s newspaper.

  • A. anything…in
  • B. nothing. .in
  • C. something. .on
  • D. nothing.. on
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Has your teacher given you any advice______ your study?

  • A. in
  • B. to
  • C. on
  • D. with
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It`s bad manners to laugh _____others when they are _____ trouble.

  • A. at ,in
  • B. over ,at
  • C. with ,on
  • D. to, with
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Betty doesn`t have enough money to buy that coat. It`s very ___.  The price is too_____.

  • A. high, high
  • B. expensive, expensive
  • C. expensive,high
  • D. high, expensive
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This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______comfortably.

  • A. wearing
  • B. wear
  • C. wears
  • D. is worn
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The diamond is _________.

  • A. very valuable
  • B. of great value
  • C. great value
  • D. Aor B
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Behind the dancer there was a woman _______a large diamond ring.

  • A. carrying
  • B. dressing
  • C. wearing
  • D. having
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The young teacher who has a ____face can make his classes ____and interesting.

  • A. lovely,lively
  • B. lovely, lovely
  • C. likely, friendly
  • D. uglily, lively
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They were still _____their friends after their child`s long illness.

  • A. in debt to
  • B. in the debt to
  • C. in debt with
  • D. in the debt with
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_______, my brother passed the exam.

  • A. To my great joy
  • B. To my great surprised
  • C. With my joy
  • D. With my surprise
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I am all tears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.

  • A. in another words
  • B. in the other words
  • C. with other words
  • D. in other words
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He started early _______he could get there before nine.

  • A. in order that
  • B. because
  • C. so as to
  • D. in order to
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As you know, whether the person will be elected president is matter of ___interest.

  • A. general
  • B. common
  • C. ordinary
  • D. mostly
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I _______ by his story that he made up.

  • A. was taken on
  • B. was taken out
  • C. was taken in
  • D. am taken in
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He didn`t go into detail on the subject ,he spoke ______.

  • A. in general
  • B. in particular
  • C. in common
  • D. in short
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We designed the machine _____the purpose _______production.

  • A. for, ofincreasing
  • B. with, of increasing
  • C. for, to increase
  • D. A or B
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Hospital doctors don`t go out very often as their work ____all their time.

  • A. takes away
  • B. takes in
  • C. takes over
  • D. takes up
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We offered him our congratulation ____his passing the entrance exam.

  • A. on
  • B. for
  • C. with
  • D. at
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My mother _____classical music while I am ____rock music.

  • A. is fond of,in
  • B. likes, like
  • C. is interested in; into
  • D. interests; enjoy
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We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand _____weak points.

  • A. have, have
  • B. has, have
  • C. has, has
  • D. have, has
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He is one of the students who,I am sure, always do ____ best.

  • A. his
  • B. one`s
  • C. my
  • D. their
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The police ____determined to bring back the missing boy when his family____almost given hope.

  • A. is, has
  • B. are, have
  • C. are, has
  • D. is, have
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More than one girl ____ late for class this morning.

  • A. are
  • B. is
  • C. was
  • D. were
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Many a student _____ in the exam.

  • A. have failed
  • B. had been failed
  • C. has failed
  • D. will be failed
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What he says and what he does_______.

  • A. is not agree
  • B. are not agree
  • C. does not agree
  • D. do not agree
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Not only politics but also English is important. In other words , ___is important.

  • A. English, as wellas politics
  • B. English as well as politics
  • C. both politics andEnglish
  • D. politics, as well as English
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It was at the very beginning____ Mr.Smith madea decision ___we should send for a doctor.

  • A. what, that
  • B. that,which
  • C. which, that
  • D. that, that
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