
How to Disagree with Someone More Powerful than You

Your boss proposes a new initiative you think won't work. Your senior colleague outlines a project timeline you think is unrealistic. What do you say when you disagree with someone who has more power than you do? How do you decide whether it's worth speaking up? And if you do, what exactly should you say? Here is how to disagree with someone more powerful than you.


After this risk assessment, you may decide it's best to hold off on voicing your opinion. Maybe you haven't finished thinking the problem through, the whole discussion was a surprise to you, or you want to get a clearer sense of what the group thinks. If you think other people are going to disagree too, you might want to gather your army first. People can contribute experience or information to your

thinking--all the things that would make the disagreement stronger or more valid. It's also a good idea to delay the conversation if you are in a meeting or other public space. Discussing the issue in private will make the powerful person feel less threatened.


Before you share your thoughts, think about what the powerful person cares about--it may be the credibility of their team or getting a project done on time. You're more likely to be heard if you can connect your disagreement to a higher purpose. When you do speak up, don't assume the link will be clear. You'll want to state it overtly, contextualizing your statements so that you're seen not as a disagreeable underling but as a colleague who's trying to advance a shared goal. The discussion will then become more like a chess game than a boxing match.


This step may sound overly deferential, but it's a smart way to give the powerful person psychological safety and control. You can say something like, "I know we seem to be moving toward a first-quarter commitment here. I have reasons to think that won't work. I'd like to lay out my reasoning. Would that be OK?" This gives the person a choice, allowing them to verbally opt in, And, assuming they say yes it will make you feel more confident about voicing your disagreement.


You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red, but do whatever you can to remain neutral in both your words and actions. When your body language communicates reluctance or anxiety,it undercuts the message, it sends a mixed message, and your counterpart gets to choose what to read.

Deep breaths can help, as can speaking more slowly and deliberately. When we feel panicky we tend to talk louder and faster. Simply slowing the pace and talking in an even tone helps calm the other person down and does the same for you. It also makes you seem confident, even if you aren't.


Emphasize that you're offering your opinion, not gospel truth. It may be a well-informed, well researched opinion, but it's still an opinion, so talk tentatively and slightly understate your confidence. Instead of saying something like, "If we set an end-of-quarter deadline, we'll never make it, "say, "This is just my opinion, but I don't see how we will make that deadline. " Having asserted your position (as a position, not as a fact), demonstrate equal curiosity about other views. Remind the person that this is your point of view and then invite critique. Be genuinely open to hearing other opinions.

A.Stay calm

B.Stay humble

C.Don't make judgments

D.Be realistic about the risks

E.Decide whether to wait

F.Ask permission to disagree

G.Identify a shared goal


  • A.Stay calm
  • B.Stay humble
  • C.Don't make judgments
  • D.Be realistic about the risks
  • E.Decide whether to wait
  • F.Ask permission to disagree
  • G.Identify a shared goal
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答案: B

根据关键词“slightly understate your confidence”稍微收敛你的自信心以及本段第一句“…If we set an end.of.quarter deadline,we’ll?never make it”,如果我们设定一个季度末的最后期限,我们将永远无法完成。论据解释“如果我们设置季度末截止日期,我们永远不能完成”换成“这仅是我个人观点,我认为我们完成不了”都是在强调要“保持谦虚”,故选B。

更新时间:2021-11-29 13:16





  • A.与mRNA上的帽子结构结合,又称为帽子结合蛋白
  • B.<img src='http://tp.mxqe.com/data/160/7321007_0_1.jpg' alt='西医综合,押题密卷,研究生《西医综合》押题密卷2' title='西医综合,押题密卷,研究生《西医综合》押题密卷2'>
  • C.<img src='http://tp.mxqe.com/data/160/7321007_0_2.jpg' alt='西医综合,押题密卷,研究生《西医综合》押题密卷2' title='西医综合,押题密卷,研究生《西医综合》押题密卷2'>
  • D.众多生物活性物质、抗代谢物、抗生素等作用的靶点

以下疾病可引起终末血尿的是:( )

  • A.肾结核
  • B.肾损伤
  • C.急性膀胱炎
  • D.后尿道出血

下列何种疾病引起的胸腔积液中的葡萄糖浓度低于1.llmmolL( )

  • A.心衰
  • B.肝硬化
  • C.脓胸
  • D.类风湿性胸膜炎

下列对真核生物转录因子的叙述中正确的是( )

  • A.直接或间接结合RNA-pol的反式作用因子
  • B.相应于RNA-polⅡ的转录因子称为TFⅡ
  • C.具有辨认和结合TATA盒的转录因子为TFⅡ
  • D.TFⅡ与原核生物α因子的氨基酸序列完全一致


  • A.胸部X线片
  • B.超声心动图
  • C.心电图
  • D.腹部B超


  • A.白细胞分类
  • B.血沉
  • C.血培养
  • D.C反应蛋白


  • A.风湿活动
  • B.亚急性感染性心内膜炎
  • C.心力衰竭
  • D.呼吸道感染

经代谢转变可生成γ一氨基丁酸的氨基酸是( )

  • A.Tyr
  • B.His
  • C.Cys
  • D.Glu

引起休克的原因很多,但有一个共同点( )

  • A.血压下降
  • B.脉压缩小
  • C.有效循环血量锐减
  • D.中心静脉压下降

有关心力贮备,以下哪项说法是错误的( )

  • A.健康者与某心脏病人若在静息时心输出量无差异,他们的心力贮备也应该一样
  • B.收缩期贮备大于舒张期贮备
  • C.心力贮备能力取决于心率及每搏输出量
  • D.心力贮备是指心输出量随机体代谢需要而增加的能力